(New version) The magic city in Miami Vice

  • Miami was 1980s America on steroids. Miami Vice, Scarface, and 80s era Miami movies captured the frenetic energy of the time period. Everything from South Beach exotic dancers to the Vizcaya mansion was filmed. Along with the Miami TV show Burn Notice, these productions are known for their trend setting entertainment. This illustrated guide reveals for the first time how these TV shows and movies can also be a resource for 80s culture and iconic locations. When compared with Miami Vice, Burn Notice illustrates the character of the 80s by showing how different Miami is today. Notations show where important locations (many now gone) and scenes showing culture can be found on the DVDs. Facts about locations are included. Key Miami locations and scenes in the entire Miami Vice series and in 80s era movies are listed. All Miami Vice music is listed at the end. This guide will be appreciated by fans of these shows as well as by those who are interested in the 80s, Miami history, or Art Deco.

Fellow Vice Fans,

I just published an improved and expanded version of my earlier guide titled “The Magic City captured by Miami Vice, Scarface, Movies, and Burn Notice.” This version has more interesting info about Vice, 18 more locations, and more photos. It now has 286 pages and is as up to date and as accurate as possible. I didn’t write to make money but to contribute to the history of my home town. I will donate half the proceeds to miamiviceonline.com.

This latest work has taken me several years. Historians Arva Parks and Dr. Paul George have praised the guide. To purchase the guide you have to register free with LuLu, the on-line publisher, but they are trustworthy. I have a large full color high quality paperback version that sells for $56.10. I make exactly $1.08 per book because I have discounted it as much as the publisher will allow. If that’s too expensive, check out my ebook in PDF format, same guide, but only $8.99. I make exactly $7.20 for every ebook purchased.

If you don’t have a PDF reader you can get it free at http://www.adobe.com...cts/reader.html

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If your ebook reader won’t handle PDF files this free program will convert PDF to most reader formats: http://calibre-ebook.com/download

For those who helped me in compiling this guide, and you know who you are, let me know if you want a free copy in MS word and I will email it to you in two parts. The publisher will not permit me to give anyone free access to the printed or PDF versions.

If you get it, please let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading all this.


To order Jim's paperbackbook click here

To order Jim's PDF version click here

Miami war das Amerika der 1980er Jahre auf Droge. Miami Vice, Scarface und die Miami Filme der 80er Jahre haben die rasende Energie dieser Zeit eingefangen. Alles wurde gefilmt - von den exotischen Tänzerinnen in South Beach bis zur Vizcaya Mansion. Neben der Miami TV show "Burn Notice" war das Entertainment diese Produktionen wegweisend. Dieses bebilderte Buch deckt zum ersten Mal auf, wie diese TV Serien und Filme eine Quelle der 80er Kultur und markanten Drehorte wurden. Verglichen mit Miami Vice zeigt Burn Notice den Character der 80er Jahre im Unterschied zum heutigen Miami. Anmerkungen verraten, wo markante Drehorte (viele davon gibt es bereits nicht mehr) und Szenen die Kultur der 80er auf DVDs zeigen. Fakten zu den Drehorten sind ebenfalls enthalten. Schlüssel-Drehorte und Szenen der gesamten Miami Vice Serie und der 80er Jahre Filme sind am Ende aufgelistet.

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