About season 5.


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Hello everyone. I have been a member here for a little over a year and never really posted anything so I thought I would. I just wanted to comment on season 5. I had not seen any of the episodes of season 5 for a very long time until it was released in the USA this past June. I have heard many people say season 5 is not very good but I really am enjoying it. There have been 1 or 2 episodes which were average but overall the season is good. I am glad Sonny is pretty much back to himself after his incident which happened at the end of season 4 and carrying over into season 5. I just wanted other's opinion on season 5 since I have heard a lot of negativity regarding it.

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RE: About season 5.Hi!In my opinion, sesaon 5 is much better than season 4. Ok it's a new atmosphere, a new sound and it often gets pretty dark, but why not? The turn back to season 1 and 2 was definitely impossible, so it was the right decision to build up this new style. And above all it was a new time and the pastel thing was over, also i did regret.So, season 5 has much more its own feeling and style than the fourth which was swinging from one idea to another (from comedy over pre-"x files" to very dark). You can argue about the attempt to introduce some new characters ready for a spin-off, to my point of view, this was needless and annoying.So in case of that question, yes season 5 is worth to buy ;-))Greetz Roland

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Welcome to MiamiVice.info, stabbing234. 8)You're really a long-time member ... it's nice that you decided to leave your silence now. ;-) Concerning season 5: I share the opinion that S4 and 5 are far away from the style and the mood the show had at the beginning in 1984. But still there are some episodes which are above average in my book: Hostile Takeover, Redemption in Blood, Bad timing, Line of Fire, Hard knocks, Fruit of the Poison Tree, Miami Squeeze, The Lost Madonna, Over the Line and of course Freefall. I also like the development of the Crockett character - The cop isn't that sure of himself like he was in season 1 and 2. You can literally watch and feel his desperation and feeling of being burnt out grow. Maybe it's this development that makes season 5 special.

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