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  2. S.FL84


    I think your right but we're talking about 5-7yrs in American history. I'd say 1957 - 1965 approx..
  3. Yesterday
  4. pahonu

    Magnum In Pastel??

    I also have several aloha shirts I wear occasionally, but none specifically from MPI. There was a shop in the Belmont Shore neighborhood of Long Beach called Paradise Bound, no joke, that I got several from years ago. It’s been gone for more than a decade now, but I still wear them. The pastels came in before MV with the preppie look of the early 80’s. That’s the influence on MPI. It was not just polos, but ties in those colors too. I think Magnum wears one in an episode and the female client comments on it. My wife had some skirts and dresses in pastel from that time too, she told me. I’ll see if I can find a screen pic of the tie. MV took those colors and used them with the t-shirt, unconstructed jacket, and no socks look. I watched the pilot episode of MV the night it aired. My friends and I were so excited by all the promotion. What I remember far more than the pastel colors was that Crocket was unshaven, something quite rare then. Also, he was pretty sloppy, with wrinkled clothes and he wore t-shirts or sleeveless shirts under the jacket. I remember seeing his holster over the sleeveless shirt as it was a new look that I hadn’t seen. Then there was all the talk in the media of no socks. The color scheme was definitely there, but it wasn’t entirely new. Edit: Here you go, a pink tie. Also, from the same episode, I added a pic of him wearing a sweater which you commented on earlier. That said, I have a friend who grew up in the Hawaii Kai neighborhood, east of Honolulu, and she once told me that when the temperature was moderate and the trade winds started blowing stiffly, locals would wear sweaters or jackets. She grew up there in the 70’s and 80’s when hoodies and the like were less common, so a sweater isn’t completely strange I suppose.
  5. pahonu


    There was a 50’s nostalgia that emerged, but in the 70’s with George Lucas’ American Graffiti and the TV show Happy Days, which did last into the early 80’s. By the late 80’s it was 60’s nostalgia and the 20th anniversary of Woodstock in 1989.
  6. timm525

    The Meme Thread

  7. Mr. Vigilante

    Magnum In Pastel??

    When Magnum was in shorts, he could've worn a bloody animal pelt around his shoulders and no one would've noticed.
  8. Dadrian

    The Meme Thread

    Yeah they’re already ripe when the go in
  9. ViceFanMan

    Magnum In Pastel??

    I watched & grew up with “Magnum” when it originally aired, too…and I always found it odd that besides the Hawaiian shirts (I have the 3 he made famous on the show), Magnum also would wear sweaters or long sleeved shirts…I’m like in Hawaii?? But, even though he wore some pastel shirts as well, I still don’t really associate him or the show with those colors…that’ll always be MV. I just find it interesting that other shows before MV started to wear some pastels, yet MV is the show that exploded the popularity of those colors. The shirts that Magnum made most iconic for the character & show were the red jungle bird, the purple Cala Lily, and the green hibiscus. Paradise Found still makes those shirts, and I have my own of them.
  10. S.FL84


    Wasn't there some kinda revival of 1950's fashion, cars, colors in the early 80's? This was reflected in the ice cream shop scene in LOMBARD & its also the theme of a The Romantics video One In A Million.
  11. Kladdagh

    Happy Birthday, EasyED!

    Happy BELATED VICE Birthday @EasyED ... Hope you day was great
  12. Kladdagh

    Happy Birthday, MV86!

    Happy VICE Birthday @MV86 ... Enjoy YOUR Day
  13. Scot from S.C.

    Happy Birthday, MV86!

    Happy birthday pal. I hope that you have a great day.
  14. pahonu

    Magnum In Pastel??

    I looked through screen caps from the first two seasons only, and I would say he wore polos much more than I remembered, and even more than the aloha shirts. Also, while most are not pastel, there are many that are, including the long sleeved ones that were more frequent than I remembered. The navy one near the bottom was the pilot in 1980. My mom’s favorite shirt, along with many other women at the time, is shown at the bottom.
  15. pahonu

    Magnum In Pastel??

    I’m very familiar with the show having watched the series when it originally aired and multiple times over the years. When he’s not wearing the iconic aloha shirts, the next most common is some kind of knit like the polo above. In fact, the first time we ever see the character in the pilot, he puts on a polo shirt, though it was navy. He also wears long sleeved knits with a kangaroo pocket in front. I recall both pink and lavender in this style in the first couple of seasons so about ‘81 and ‘82, a few years before MV. I had a few polos at the time like the above, including pink, lavender, and light yellow. They were popular before MV. I’ll see if I can find some pics of Magnum shirts as I described.
  16. timm525

    The Meme Thread

  17. airtommy

    The Meme Thread

  18. Paul Veres

    Can you name the film from this screenshot?

    I had no idea about this phenomenon of Italian movies shot in the US like that, very cool! I didn't say it only starred Terrence Hill, was only answering the question. It does also star Bud Spencer.
  19. Gary1911A1

    Happy Birthday, MV86!

    Happy Birthday MV88!
  20. Matt5

    Happy Birthday, MV86!

    Best to you pal! Have a Vice day pal!
  21. Best to you pal! Have a Vice day pal!
  22. Matt5

    Magnum In Pastel??

    Wow — good find , Magnum loved his Hawaiian styling but this look is quite Vicey.
  23. Kalci

    Happy Birthday, MV86!

    Happy B-day @MV86 ! Enjoy your special day !
  24. Happy B-day Tyler ! Enjoy it !
  25. Kalci

    Can you name the film from this screenshot?

    1980 - Supercop/Super fuzz I think. I was thinking about maybe its from a Terrence Hill & Bud Spencer co-star movie, but If it only starrs Terrence Hill my guess is Super fuzz. I remember when I was a kid how much we watched these kind of comedy movies shot in Miami. We all thought back then these were Hollywood productions since they takes place within the US but later realized these simply Italian Comedies shot in the US.
  26. ViceFanMan

    Magnum In Pastel??

    I love pastel (MV) clothing…and Hawaiian shirts, lol! I have tons of both. And both are still very much in style!
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