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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/16/2014 in all areas

  1. It was in fact Jan Hammer who wanted out as evidenced by his "Escape from Television" album title in 1987. Then they persuaded him to do another season as evidenced by the fact that he handed over with the wedding episode to John Petersen before scoring again the last two eps of season four before he left finally.Jan earned 45.000USD per episode but he said clearly in interviews that the show had become a treadmill after three years as he only had one week to score one episode on average. He wanted more freedom to do other stuff as well. In this respect he had the same reason as John Diehl leaving the show.
    2 points
  2. Ooooo, Gabrielle Anwar is in that (Fiona in Burn Notice). I might see if I can find it online. I was looking to watch a movie with her in it.
    1 point
  3. From Scarface. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqpNOmsdfDY
    1 point
  4. Some of you may know our glossary we had on our old forum. It's still linked in our navigation bar. At the moment we are working on transferring about 4.500 glossary entries from our old forum over here. Our new forum is called "Miami Vice Facts" and can be found here -> click As soon as all entries are copied I'll change the link in the navigation bar. Episode guide Season 1-3 is complete and Ell.a is working on the FAQ (complete) and the actors. You can change the standard forum view by clicking on "Topic list" That's waht it looks like with the topic list Have fun and stay tuned for more glossary entries to be copied. Einige von euch kenne sicher noch unser altes Lexikon, das wir bisher im Einsatz hatten. Es ist derzeit noch in der Navigationsleiste verlinkt.Wir arbeiten gerade daran ca. 4.500 Einträge vom alten Lexikon hierher zu übertragen. Das neue Lexikon heißt "Miami Vice Facts" und ist hier click Sobald alle Einträge kopiert sind, werde ich den Link in der Navigationsleiste ändern. Der Episoden-Guide Staffel 1-3 ist komplett, ebenso die FAQ. Ell.a arbeitet gerade an den Schauspielern. Die Forum-Standardansicht kann im Lexikon mit einem Klick auf "Topic list" geändert werden. So sieht es danach aus Viel Spaß und schaut ab und zu mal rein. Weitere Lexikoneinträge werden folgen.
    1 point
  5. Yeah I am very surprised Jan didn't release it because the Prodigal Son version is almost a tidy, complete song - the way Jan insists on releasing the stuff he made for the show. Plus, it's a great song.
    1 point
  6. If Jan wants to, it is certainly within his power to cover some of the cues that didn't make the "ultimate collection" and release them via digital format only. He just needs positive, savvy people surrounding him that will believe in it and promote it, for free (on places like Facebook, twitter, soundcloud and tumblr). There's a whole new generation of people out there who are currently making synth driven music under the genre "new retro wave" and "synthwave" etc. If they know the original master (Jan) was coming out with more stuff, they'd buy, because they buy new retro wave artists with a fraction of Jan's fame and output. If there's a will, there's a way.
    1 point
  7. I'm still navigating and learning about this great site and today I have just discovered these "week in MV history" threads which I have found to be so awesome! Very cool to reminisce about some of these episodes and I look forward to reading them in the future. A big thank you to mvnyc for doin' the work.
    1 point
  8. Thanks everyone, just doing my part...
    1 point