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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/05/2014 in all areas

  1. Not in person but no doubt they will use my sites as their guide which is cool. I believe I will be staying there this month. 18-20th. I want to re-create pictures from Florence Italy if possible and several Burn Notice episodes. I am working on BN 83 Last Rites, currently and know that they filmed the Sam and Michael meet there and 99% sure the cruise ship casino scene was filmed in the Mayfair's restaurant. The wood floor was the giveaway for that location (when the guy falls to the floor). BTW the Mayfair is looking for contact info. for cast and crew to throw an anniversary party. I know people here could help out. I directed them to this site so maybe they will post an inquiry. It is nice that they are paying tribute so it would be great if we could help them. Sounds like an awesome idea for a party. At a real Vice location sponsored by that location.
    3 points
  2. I think that is VERY cool that your site is getting some attention from places like the Mayfair. And maybe they ought to cut you a break on the rates for the Tour as one of their sources. Even more interesting that they want to throw an Anniversary party for cast and crew. Believe there is some contact info in here for some of the cast.
    1 point
  3. Yes, and there are a few eps. of BN that I have in mind also. A couple shots from French Twist that I had missed as well:
    1 point
  4. I did, thank you very much!
    1 point