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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/23/2014 in all areas

  1. here's a pic of the slippers i found and bought today... hand made in italy, all leather, perfect quality. let summer come!
    1 point
  2. March 20-2014 NCAA Tournament Arizona
    1 point
  3. It would be great fun I think for this location to be a stop to everyone's Miami trip where they take pictures of themselves and or friends and family in the spots where the Vice cast stood and then share them in a thread on this site.
    1 point
  4. You are of course correct. The hallway has new tile flooring and new lights but otherwise is identical. Thanks to Jose, the night manager of the Mayfair Hotel for guiding me to this location which had eluded me on previous trips. He was so very nice and helpful, a big fan of Miami Vice himself. One evening I went down to the desk and inquired if anyone was staying in this (Bandi's Room) He took the time to go up with me since it was unoccupied that night and let me in. Theses suites are unchanged since Vice filmed here confirming that the scene was in fact filmed at the Mayfair. However, Tubbs is seen approaching suite 453, the Myrtle Suite. After entering with Jose we quickly (with his expert knowledge of the hotel) figured out that the interior scene (of Bandi's room) was actually filmed across the hallway in Suite 454. When we first see Tubbs he is not emerging from a hallway or exterior courtyard. He is exiting the stairway at the west end of the building. He also directed me to the ballroom where they filmed the driver's party in Florence Italy. I was also able to get nice shots of where Bandi made his rooftop phone call. Thanks again JOSE. Tubbs enters, not the front door but a connector door between suites.
    1 point
  5. Ich denke mit 40 min werden das nur eingefleischte Hardcore fans bis zum Schluss schauen...aber egal wie lange es letztendlich wird, ich bin gespannt wie ein Flitzebogen!
    1 point
  6. Danke für den Tip, Christian , aber mittlerweile ist es als Uploader *aus Deutschland* dort genau dasselbe. Trotzdessen glaube ich, das Problem bereits ganz gut gelöst zu haben. Man kann die Musik eh' nur übergreifend laufen lassen. Wenn ich für jede Minute/Szene das passende Lied einfüge wird es zerhackt.Ich hoffe, ich konnte eine passende Musikfolge zusammenstellen, wir werden sehen.Ich habe mittlerweile schon ein bissel gebastelt und was mich wirklich nervt ... ich glaube ich werde Caipi wohl Recht geben müssen.Also das, mit den 20 Minuten - das wird nie was. Frage ist, wird sich jemand die Zeit nehmen und aus Anlass des Jubiläums noch einmal die Zeit einer Episodenfolge zum Anschauen investieren Nein, ich bin selbstbewusst genug um zu sagen, deshalb wird es nicht langweilig - das ganz sicher nicht. Aber kein Mensch schaut sowas mit annähernd 40 min. Länge, oder ?
    1 point
  7. This was originally Friedman's Bakery at 685 Washington Ave. It was decorated with neon to be the club "Dynamo" in the teaser of Dutch Oven. Glad you had a good time in Miami Charlie, wish I could have been there. OK now lets see some pics.
    1 point
  8. Just got back from a most excellent trip to Miami. Among other things including some great stories, I have several never before seen location pictures to post here to challenge you trivia minds. I will post when the current case is solved.
    1 point
  9. Werden sie ja auch. Der Bodenradar ist allerdings auf die Transponderdaten angewiesen, damit das UFO zu identifizieren ist. Und wenn die an Bord das so einfach ausschalten können, ist Feierabend. Wozu das im Übrigen vom Cockpit aus überhaupt ausschaltbar sein muss, erschließt sich mir nicht.
    1 point
  10. Oder die NSA. Die wissen bestimmt etwas. Dann würden sie aber offiziell zugeben, daß sie auch die Luftfahrt überwachen.
    1 point
  11. I watch Dusk til Dawn and was very impressed and entertained from minute to minute and held my breath and exhaled when I saw Don.Have to now congratulate Don on a fine performance and some of his actions and movements reminded of the past.It is so nice to have you back on the screen where you deserve to be and interacting with the other actors.Fantastic job.Keeping my fingers cross we see more of you Don Hope you all see Don in this series its not to be missed.
    1 point