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  1. We first see this shirt on DeMarco when he’s about to sign the papers to help Vice nail Lombard. Here it is at Gen. Lao Li’s house as he warns his people to break no laws.
    5 points
  2. Hey, everybody. Haven't been on the site for awhile.Here's some more Miami Vice scripts. These are again one of my favourite episodes. Enjoy! Miami Vice-Buddies.pdf Miami Vice-Death and The Lady.pdf
    4 points
  3. Some have probably noticed the pink phone in "Phil the Shill" and "French Twist." Phil on the phone with his pal Cindy. "No Cindy, I don't think Sonny or Rico are gonna to take you to the prom."
    4 points
  4. I prefer to study caitlin's body.
    3 points
  5. There is nothing wrong with completely copying someone else's style. Especially if it's a style not being worn, it's considered original or "quirky" in most people's eyes. Unless you're wearing a loincloth-thong hybrid that has never been designed before, you're copying SOMEONE's style. Your sportcoats all originate from the traditional Western suiting style that became prominent in the 19th century. Same with your pants, someone else is wearing them. Same with your socks, T-shirts, dress shirts, whatever. Of course Don is going to act arrogant in this interview, this is the height of his fame and relevance which has since dissipated. He didn't even really mock the people mimicking his style. And he sure didn't say "If you're not 100% original you have no style" as you are saying. You do you, man. But if you think wearing a classy but casual beach look is more clownish than people sporting rainbow-colored hair and Crocs, you may want to get your head examined.
    2 points
  6. Interesting post most haven't touched on. Good insight for the muscle distribution. Vice was one of the things that pushed me to get in shape a couple years ago... in September 2018 I was 207 lbs (I'm 5'11"), I had quite a gut and my arms were wider (with fat, not muscle). I thought it would be good to match Don's body look as best as I could to fit the look, and for overall health. I counted calories, worked out often, drinking assloads of water, and reduced my sugar intake a lot - I wasn't watching it before. My weight started dropping rapidly and by December 2019 I reached 160 lbs and have been staying steady ever since (my latest weigh-in was 158.7). My body looks great now, not to brag. I just need to work on building muscle and getting tan as I'm just slim, no muscle to really speak of but my body frame is good. It's funny, but there is an episode in the Sonny Burnett story arc where Tubbs describes Sonny "5'10", 160 pounds..." if I remember right, and that was one of the things that pushed me to get to that weight specifically, because I wanted to look that good. I've actually heard he is 5'9", but whatever, his muscle probably accounts for the additional weight that makes him look proportionally good. I plan to work on the muscle. With coronavirus and everything being shut down, I can't go to the gym now. I'm hoping this summer. But weight loss isn't as difficult as I thought. Well, I am also 22 years old and male so that helps. But still. Get in the Vice shape!
    2 points
  7. This was the interior elevator area in February.
    2 points
  8. An extra in the background, that I might not have noticed, if it hadn't been for her son Eric Seiden, sharing these pictures of his mother on the set of Miami Vice. The photos he shared: https://www.flickr.com/search/?sort=date-taken-desc&safe_search=1&tags=miamivice&user_id=18431794%40N00&view_all=1 "This is mom on the set of Miami Vice. She was on the show on and off for years. The set was closed but we took bunches of photos." Looks like her in the "Dutch Oven" And in the opening scene of "Yankee Dollar."
    2 points
  9. I sold my first one years ago when I needed $50. I recently found another one though!
    1 point
  10. Hi there Hope i've not doubled up on this topic - i couldn't find it anywhere else on the site, but please link if there is another thread I'm new to all this, and have only completed season 1, but have noticed DJ has a couple of physical features i am sure enhance the clothes he wears. 1/ He has very well defined trapezius muscles (traps). They are high which helps lift the linen jackets up, giving a solid triangular shape. My priority would be to train the traps. Youtube Tom Hardy work out videos because Tom Hardy has naturally huge traps. Essentially one is doing loads of shrugs, shoulder presses and military press exercises. When DJ wears sleeveless T-shirts, you see great striation of the shoulders. Not excessive, but toned and conditioned. Do plenty of front and side dumb bell raises, and planks. 2/ Biceps are not bulging! I think this is great as it gives DJ a sleek look, but he still has a nice shape. He's not trying to get massive definition on the triceps ether. This is important because good shoulder makes the t-shirts fit nicely, but he does not look ungainly with massive guns. Furthermore the t-shirts are close, but not too tight, which would reduce coolness aesthetic. The sleeveless top look is is casual, the arms are not in your face... very important because Sonny isn't the type to spend all day in the gym. I think a more laid back aesthetic is a perfect antidote to todays instagram fitness look. You don't want veins popping out, too uncouth. 3/ Waist: excellent. ok no six pack or v-cuts but a nice flat stomach that allows the t-shirt to tuck in with the high waisted trouser; great fit with the t-shirt. I reckon this is achieved with a good mix of all round exercise, but most importantly... diet! I suspect DJ's chain smoking helped him cope with not eating much food. 4/ Back. Lats are well defined with triangular shape. Don't need to be excessive with the back, but make sure the pull ups and pull downs are in there. Some moderate dead lifting would help a lot too. If you prefer a bit of cardio hit the rowing machine, that will shred the fat off your back. 4/ Legs... we don't get to see much of this but the Vice lads can run fast, so I would not skip leg days. Furthermore investing in legs will fill the trouser better. We all want the baggy 80's style, but we still want to believe a leg is inside the trouser! Conclusion: I think the VICE body shape is really appealing, achievable and healthy. Anyone can get to this point, especially with the improvement in gyms, personal training, and diet we have today. The most important thing to remember is to train your body... not to look amazing with no clothes on, but to look stunning when you wear vice fashion! If you have the right body shape, you can then get your tailor to adjust your garments accordingly, and you will have the Vice style that fits perfectly with who you are.
    1 point
  11. I don't agree with all of this, but the guy makes decent videos. It's important to remember that Miami Vice was never about being 100% logical, nor was it trying to be a hardcore accurate police procedural. He does acknowledge that in conclusion.
    1 point
  12. Nice! I JUST bought this set off eBay for $21 including shipping! Been wanting a red helo for my desk for a while!
    1 point
  13. However they did use Jackson Memorial Hospital an actual hospital in the Season 2 premiere “Profigsl Son” which was not a set.
    1 point
  14. That accounts for at least 50% of the reason I love it.
    1 point
  15. Only to say I have no interest in it.
    1 point
  16. At great length and with the ultimate attention to detail....
    1 point
  17. nice one buddy. at 22 you have an amazingly fast and adaptive metabolism so you should have no problem achieving your goal! furthermore you are identical in terms of height and weight so you can defiantly get the aesthetic both internally and externally through fashion. i'm 42 and i'm 5'9, around 73 kg. slower metabolism now, and need more cardio to keep lean. cannot do too much weights as i more easily cur injury and fatigue / slower recovery from hard resistance training.
    1 point
  18. Yes indeed - all Season 2 hospitals were sets... I was just giving additional info about after Season 3, “Baby Blues” in particular.
    1 point
  19. That is some hospital ! After “Baby Blues” from Season 3 they then used to using real hospitals around the Miami area - starting with “Theresa” then “Knock Knick...Who’s There?” through the end of the series. Many different hospitals were used.
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Always love the behind the scenes pics of EJO. Played such a stern dude, but looks like such a nice guy.
    1 point
  22. Guzman's Lotus Esprit re-appears just the next episode (notice the absence of a license plate in "Cuba Libre") Guzman's driveway: Cuba Libre:
    1 point
  23. Thanks! I didn't get my own copy yet, but Dadrian gave an excellent rip of it and I uploaded it on my channel.
    1 point
  24. Both from Script City I take it. This is the version of Buddies with Noogie in the Anne role. Honestly I think they should have used Frank Military more than they did.
    1 point
  25. I’m listening and enjoying Jan Hammer’s new album “Sketches with Jazz”. Out now!
    1 point
  26. Those who have been in the military can relate, I'll bet firemen can also. This guy looks familiar, who is he?
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Great episode “Hard Knocks”.
    1 point
  29. Great eye! During the Burnett trilogy episodes in 1988 - DJ wore mainly Giorgio Armani ties.
    1 point
  30. A nice crisp current day Brickell Key (“Smugglers Blues”, “Red Tape”, “Miracle Man”, “Indian Wars”, “Fruit of the Poison Tree”, “Golden Triangle”’(Part 2).
    1 point
  31. I do think that it was implied early on that Sonny may have been on the verge of becoming an alcoholic...but I actually don’t think beer was necessarily his drink of choice. I think taking the beer out of Leon’s fridge in the Pilot TV movie, was just a “1 of opportunity impulse” but it wasn’t implied he searched every suspect’s place in search of alcohol. When he wanted to drink, he seemed to like whiskey, usually the drink black-jack. But, by season 2 he did seem, for the most part , to have it under control.
    1 point
  32. Both are a set at Greenwich Studios. But looks like they used the same created "hospital set," only repainted it. The hallway also looks similar. The last screenshot is also a set.
    1 point
  33. Art seen in "Free Verse," "French Twist" and "Junk Love."
    1 point
  34. that's also how I got my Freefall KU shirt couple years ago
    1 point
  35. Celebrating Before and After Coronavirus
    1 point
  36. mxlplk, it all comes down to one question... Who gives a sh**? I don't. Laugh at me. Mock me. Say I'm not cool. Shout to the world how much style I lack. Call me a clown. Go ahead. Somehow... brace yourself, take a deep breath... shockingly... surprisingly... I don't give a sh**. Which begs another question... why do you?
    1 point
  37. Great Las Olas - incidentally the condo behind them was there for some years after 1985 now sadly demolished (on East Olas Bvld | A1A, Fort Lauderdale).
    0 points