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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/2020 in Posts

  1. Did Larry borrow Sonny's hat?
    2 points
  2. No one but the Don could take the Crockett mantle, but man, in the 80's Jeff Bridges totally had a Vice style going. Here's a shot from "8 Million Ways to Die" from 1985. Look familiar?
    2 points
  3. Very interesting and informative guys. I'm not in the same league with the rest of you when it comes to finding filming locations but I've always been intrigued by the search. I like to think that I have helped out once or twice. I found one location by posting a screen cap on Don Boyd's great photo site (unfortunately he has passed away) and asking if anyone recognized it. A retired Miami Beach cop did. Another one was located by exchanging emails with a gal who was a Vice staffer. Regretfully I have lost her address. Another likely location was gleaned from posts on a Facebook Vice fan site. They can't compare with this site, of course, but they have lots of active fans and a few former extra's and others who were associated with Vice in a number of ways. The MDPL is always friendly and willing to help. Dennis Wilhelm, one of the original members who knew Barbara Capitman, liked my book and tried to help with locations. Recently the lady I spoke to asked two of their tour guides if they recognized a screen cap of a SoBe spot I sent her. They didn't recognize the location but I still consider the MDPL a good potential source. I've never been shy about asking for help from groups or individuals.
    2 points
  4. Like to add a couple things. The best clues are often found away from the action. When we watch we naturally center our viewing to the center of the action. Watch and rewatch focusing on the edges and corners of the screen for items you did not previously see. I have found locations by re-watching and looking only at reflections. Example car windows as the door opens and we get a view of what is off screen. A biggie is using not just what you see but what you don't see. For example if the background is outside and there are no high rises then that is a big location clue. Pay attention to utilitarian things like fire hydrants and street lights. Each city and some sections within a city use their own paint color for hydrants and purchase different style hydrants. Hydrants and street light styles have helped me locate a few locations. Just a few things I thought might be helpful.
    2 points
  5. Just updated this ep on my location site. Bunches of new re-creation pictures, some have been waiting a couple years to be added.
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. Morgan Richter spots a good one in "Leap of Faith". Joey Hardin is carrying the book "Missing Hours" by "Lou De Long": This is the same book Trudy was holding in the S4 episode "Missing Hours": (hat tip to Bren10)
    2 points
  8. You can download the MP3 exclusively here: And here's a little video you might enjoy:
    1 point
  9. I just came across this article https://www.journalistate.com/entertainment/miami-vice-secrets The best picture in it is attached. Jeff Bridges being considered for the role of Sonny Crockett! Not bad. But...no.
    1 point
  10. I'm glad they chose DJ for the part as Sonny Crockett, as I started watching the show because of him. I've said before, that I could maybe have pictured Jeff Bridges, he kind of had a similar look and attitude. But then I'm not sure, I would have discovered MV, as I'm not into crime shows generally. Which would have been sad. But who knows.
    1 point
  11. I feel the same way, I enjoy this season but that special vibe of the show evaporated. What made this show famous was it was high-spirited and cool, so full of energy, like Scarface turned into a TV show.
    1 point
  12. It looks like it. Only it's a different color in that shot. I think someone of the bad guys borrowed, that hat as well in S3. But will have to check.
    1 point
  13. Having rewatched S3 I still am not a fan of the different style, darker tone or Crockett's haircut, it made DJ's face look different. And I liked how he looked in the first two seasons the best. I think "Cuba Libre" was the first episode, where the white suit was brought back, (which was nice to see, after watching Crockett mostly wearing those boring grey jacket's and green.) I'm guessing since the ratings were starting to drop. And after that episode some colors were reintroduced and continued till the season finale. The first half of season 3 had some solid story lines, where the second half was a mix of good and bad quality episodes. I wish, that new music had been created instead of reusing old Jan Hammer tunes, which were so associated/strongly connected with the episodes it was made for in S1 and S2, therefor sometimes it could seem out of place. Like in "Better Living Through Chemistry" throughout they used JH Asian music, which was odd and a bad fit. They sometimes just placed his music in bad places. Another example playing Crockett's theme in "Cuba Libre" could have been chosen in a better scene, than this non interesting car driving scene. But it's always great hearing it. And I liked the new piece "Klaus's" theme. It was mostly Crockett in the forefront and it felt as Tubbs just followed along was pushed in the background. But he got four episodes of his own, although I would have liked it being more equal or buddy cop like. Also often they showed the whole team joining in an undercover operation, which I liked. I think the storylines were deeper and richer in places like the "The Good Collar" for instance. It became predictable, that the bad guys were usually shot at the end. Overall I'm not a fan of this season, it's different feel and tone. I missed the atmosphere and tone from the first two seasons. But there are some episodes I did like and could rewatch again: "Stones war," "The Good Collar," "El Viejo" not because of the storyline, but the music and some scenes, "Baby Blues," "DFTC" part1," "Lend me and ear," "KKWT," "Everybody's in Showbiz," yes I kind of liked this one. I also think maybe "Theresa," "Streetwise" and "Walk Alone." I liked "Theresa" much better first time around, but it's still a good episode. I think my favorite now is "KKWT," as it's a personal storyline and I liked those best, it's maybe weird as it's one of the darkest visually, but the story was so good that it wasn't that important. My least favorite is "Killshot." "Better living through chemistry" had potential, but among it the bad acting by all of the guest stars ruined the experience for me. And I liked that Crockett was nicer to Izzy in this season. Also forgot to add, that Tubbs was really well dressed in this Season.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Thanks, Jim! Interesting lead, but that´s not it (small farm that has already been abandoned due to Google Earth). Interesting that with all the farms I have checked the one you pointed out I did not find and that was the only one with Royal palm trees. I´ll continue searching, but slowly I come to the conclusion that this horse farm is gone ...
    1 point
  16. A very interesting comment made by a Vice fan 30 years ago Edward James Olmos played the lead role in the 1982 film The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez
    1 point
  17. We wish a very Happy Birthday to a big fan of Jan Hammer's music.......... buford_t ! Sorry I'm late with this..... I just realized your B'day was today.
    1 point
  18. Hey, thanks you guys! Sorry I wasn't able to see all this sooner. It was a great birthday!
    1 point
  19. When you look for horse farms in Fla you normally think of Ocala but Royal Palm trees are rare that far north. There are several such farms in S. Fla. Here's one with the right type of trees. Not saying this is it but searching Miami-Dade, Broward, Monroe County, and Palm Beach horse farms may be fruitful if that hasn't already been done. There are a few in those counties. https://www.landandfarm.com/property/Paradise_Horse_Farm-1448616/
    1 point
  20. I've contacted the owner of 710 Harbor Dr via LinkedIn (could't find his email), let's see if anything comes around. The octagonal center and window and the pool shape are still biting me. And you would not believe what kind of horrible interiors rich people can retain over decades, I have an example in my own family :-)
    1 point
  21. We say DJ is the only person to play Crockett but that's said about every actor in every successful movie or TV franchise. Other examples of this are Harrison Ford playing Indiana Jones, Hugh Jackman playing Wolverine or Arnold playing the Terminator. Can you really picture anybody else in these roles? If Jeff Bridges had been chosen as Crockett from the beginning, we'd be saying the same thing about Don Johnson replacing him midway through the series.
    1 point
  22. the house in 86 looks totally different, there's no octaconal center, no pool, no jetty, there are only two perpendicular wings. The aerial for 1995 is a blurry nightmare but seems to show something closer to current but still different. This matches however with your statement that the house was at max 3 years old at the time of filming. Proximity to water impression could be due to heigth and camera angle and I don't quite get what you mean with the angle to the tip of land. IMO this matches quite well. I'm not ditching this and will continue to investigate. View from the house towards tip of land:
    1 point
  23. @C Glide, thrilled to see you back!!! I think I may have a candidate for the RIB house: 710 Harbor Dr, Key Biscayne. I could not find any pictures of this house, only google maps views. There, the house looks quite different, but there are some things that make me believe it could be the house, although heavily remodeled: From what we see in the episode, the house is built around an octagonal center, which applies also to this building It's looking out on a tip of land It has an octagonal window in the correct place The shape of the pool is very distinctive There is a structure across from it on the waterline which resembles what you see in google maps I think there is an external staircase in the correct spot, but it's not clearly visible in google maps The house apparently was built in 1969, so it was there in 1989 Other scences with Jon Polito were also filmed on Key Biscayne Approximate layout we see in the episode: (octangular center and pool in sketch are shapted after 710 Harbor Dr) Aerial of 710 Harbor Dr looking out on a tongue and a tip of land Octagonal window structure on opposite side
    1 point
  24. The tune from "Smuggler's Blues" When C&T go into the empty nightclub (halfway through the episode). That music is legit creepy. After rewatching that episode last month, I was honestly a bit scared to go to sleep because the music kept lingering in my head for a few nights afterwards. Scary music has always given me problems with falling asleep, even old videogames I used to play as a kid had some scary music that made falling asleep difficult lol. Why is it my favorite? Because of the impression it left on me of course. I still love that, even as an adult, the right music can still make my imagination run away with me. Something I hate that we lose as we get older.
    1 point
  25. Today we wish a very Happy Birthday to a man who is very interested in Crockett's hair length & style............ TylerDurden389 ! Enjoy your Special Day !
    1 point
  26. Unknown location: Cook´s house. The entrance we see in the teaser and the entrance that C&T take when they come driving in are the same, i.e. we see in both scenes the main entrance and its driveway. Clues: mulched driveway (not paved-very rare), entrance far away from the road (heavy vegetation in between), the chimney, the roof (partially flat, partially elevated, block-shaped structures, the pool is partially under a diagonal ceiling, the wall next to the pool is long and seems to be interrupted. Most of that should be visible above. My assumption: due to heavy vegetation and size of property and surrounding this must be somewhere south and not within normal and narrow residential areas (NE Coconut Grove, ...). I searched a lot already but no find. This time the "look for bushy areas" strategy did not work that fast. PS in my last picture I have encircled a strange object. Looks like the fallen leafbase of a palm tree. No clue why it is there. It is lying on the tile-floor but it was also visible in the teaser when Mosca stepped over it.
    1 point
  27. Unknown location: home of one of the whacked dealers where Tubbs is shot at. This should be findable. Calm broad street and unique arched wall and Art Deco style. Miami Beach?
    1 point
  28. Unknown location: Caroline´s home (Ballard house) Hard to find, but there are clues. 1. behind Crockett (sitting in a chair parallel to the house) there are cars passing by close in both directions, could mean that there is only Caroline´s house on this block between the parallel roads? But there is also a chain fence between Crockett and the street, which could indicate there is a second property behind them. Distance to the street behind is hard to estimate. Maybe 50 yards. 2. If that what we see here is the garden entrance (I assume that because there is no access path on this side of the house, i.e. the guy delivering is actually coming through the garden), then the real house entrance is on the other side, i.e. there is a road on two sides of the house. 3. There is a fountain in the garden with a very unique layout (unregular shape, moulded edges on both sides). 4. there is a garden house separated from the house by a bush (it is directly behind Caroline who is sitting in a 90 degree angle to the house). There might be a way from where the delivery guy came from the road, thus the roads must be on opposite sides of the house 5. Huge garden with long green hedge to the neighbour garden. Seems to be several big gardens in parallel as no neighbour house visible. My hunch due to house appearance is Coconut Grove but we have been wrong before ...
    1 point
  29. I think I found it, 5556 Santa Monica Blvd, which happens to be a cocktail place:
    1 point
  30. A considerable portion of that episode plays in Lois´ house. Thanks to airtommy and the house number visible in the episode we know that this was filmed at 8505 SW 53 Ave. Unfortunately, this house was strongly remodelled (in my perception not much to its advantage) and scenes can be hardly matched to current interior, but it is worth looking at the interior as there is a bunch of great pictures by the realtor trying to sell the house in 2020 for 4+m USD. The balcony where Lois was filmed is still there although guiderail has changed.
    1 point
  31. Airtommy (who desperately wanted to know how I found the "consulate") passed the test and read my notes carefully. Google for Bauhaus+house+Pinecrest+miami and you‘ll get pictures of the WOT house, the Traynor villa and the consulate nearly next to each other. And with every new search word combination the result changes of course.
    1 point
  32. Very interesting technique! I just did a Google Image Search for <Pinecrest FL Bauhaus> and the first hit is the World of Trouble house at 9190 SW 57th Ave. Sketches are important. I can't search for multiple items at the same time, but to each his own. I was walking along the South Beach alleys looking for several locations at the same time and it didn't work for me. I ended up not finding anything until I concentrated on just one.
    1 point
  33. Happy birthday @buford_t and Thankyou for your contributions here.
    1 point
  34. Happy birthday have a Vice Day!
    1 point
  35. Happy Birthday @TylerDurden389 ... Have a cool & great VICE day
    1 point
  36. Happy belated Birthday @buford_t ... Hope it was a great VICE day ...
    1 point
  37. Happy birthday @buford_t! AKA Marty Castillo’s Miami Vice Music on YouTube. Thanks for all your contributions. Keep em coming. Hope you’ve had a great day!!
    1 point
  38. If Larry Wilcox would have gotten the Crockett gig they would have had to teach him how to actually draw and fire his gun. He had no experience doing so on CHiPs. Baricza was the only one to actually draw but stopped short of waxing Billy’s Azz as he very cleverly stopped when he was staring down the barrel.
    1 point
  39. Interesting article but not all these things are "secrets". Why would anybody want to keep Ed O'Neill secret? There's a couple of other things, just to be nitpicky. That pic of DJ with MG is hilarious btw. Tubbs' home, as we know, actually was brought up (Heart of Darkness?) and may have actually been seen at least once in Amen, Send Money. Also, there's no guarantee that Denzel would've become what he became in feature film if he had starred on a 5 season TV series. I'm sure he's just fine with how things turned out. Yes, Big Booty Trudy would be sexual harassment now, somebody would be fired and even if Trudy herself wasn't offended, she'd be shamed by others for allowing herself to be called that. We're still not 100% on what branch of the military Sonny was in. Last but not least-Fast Eddie Felcher. I'm not going to say here what "Felching" is, but I think it may be worse than "three eyed turtle". You can google it but I suggest you just search the definition and not images.
    1 point
  40. If you watch “Against All Odds”, it’s easy to see how he could be considered.
    1 point
  41. I don’t exactly dress like DJ but I’ve borrowed some elements and have gotten both compliments and ppl making fun of me! But I don’t care what ppl think I dress how I want when I want! Very few people dress his style anyway so copying him isn’t a big deal anymore. I’ll also add that girls actually like it while some dudes make fun of it I’ll take compliments from girls over other men. Honestly a lot of men hate the idea of wearing a lot of white or light colored anything I get so much crap for white pants from other men because they don’t have the confidence to wear it. Just my two cents and happy to be here!
    1 point
  42. A friend of mine posted this original song a few minutes ago, and I think it totally could have worked on MV!
    1 point
  43. I’ve always loved this song, and also thought it would have been great for Stone’s War. It’s hard to believe Paul is a smooth/contemporary jazz musician now.
    1 point
  44. At great length and with the ultimate attention to detail....
    1 point
  45. Well, we did get one of the most godly gifs of all time with it.
    1 point
  46. Great work as always!!
    1 point