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  1. Very tragic, but moving & profound episode! This is definitely one of the more noir-ish ones. This was back in the day before TV shows were allowed to cuss much, and they’d use words like scum or dirt-bag, or chump, or maggot, lol! I actually miss those days...it still got the point across without all the unintelligent “locker-room” talk of nowadays, that seems to only try & fit as many cuss words into one sentence as they can...to try and sound “cool”.
    3 points
  2. I think he means Mann's color palette which is always striking, as well as the cinematography and atmosphere that Mann evokes. MV2006 is full of it and beautifully shot digitally. I know exactly what he's talking about.
    2 points
  3. This a-ha song came out in October 1985 and I think it could be used in some “search” scene. It would work on some bittersweet scene. Morten Harket is a phenomenal singer!
    2 points
  4. Team, Thank you all for the kind birthday wishes and words. Ferrariman, I’m only too happy to have stepped up to the plate and keep this place going. It is a pleasure and an honor sir. Here as some updates on me and what I’ve been up to, sorry this is a little long winded...but here goes: I have a small two bedroom, two bath, two car garage home. Space is tight and real estate expensive in my home. My second bedroom had become the universal “junk room” as it were. It had a 20 year old nasty carpet that had been way beyond cleaning and more crap...ie...junk then you can shake a stick at piled in there. So I decided to clean it out...completely and start “anew” as it were. Get rid of all the junk, the nasty carpet and make a nice clean gym that I can wok out in and be happy and inspired. To back up, in December my cardiologist “suggested” I lose 20 lbs. I decided he was right and therefore I was going to do it. My brother had just lost 50 lbs on Keto and he and I had always been the same size, weight, frame and height... So I figured if he could do it, I could too. So I started out. YouTube being my friend and personal trainer. I went on keto, one meal a day, intermittent fasting, 48 hour fasts, and lots of lots of weight lifting. Fast forward 7 months, I lost 63 lbs (216 lbs to 153 lbs) as of last week when I went to see my cardiologist again. He couldn’t believe it. I said “you told me I was fat, you said I needed to lose 20 lbs, then you started in with all those fat jokes you made. You hurt my feelings, and I didn’t know what to do so I stopped eating...“ He knew I was teasing him but that’s just my goofy personality. So what I did in preparation for this is I bought “stall mats” from Tractor Supply, Click —> here . I bought 7 of them to do the entire room. They do have a few draw backs one should be aware of and I knew this before I bought them from doing my on line research due diligence. One is they reek! Like majorly as in tire factory majorly stink. They are made of recycled rubber tires and have that rubber oily smell to them. So in order to help get rid of that smell, it is advised on YouTube and the internet that you take them home and wash/scrub them with a degreaser and leave them outside in the hot sun for a few days to help off gas that smell prior to putting them in your house unless you want it to smell like a rubber factory for six months. Seeing how bad they smelled when I got them home, there was no way I wanted to smell that in my house till Christmas...Christmas of like 2025! So what I did is I pressure washed them first with Simple Green until I ran out and then I used Dawn dish soap on both sides. I elected to leave them outside in the hot blazing sun for a total of two months! Yes, not a few days, but for two whole months. I bought them at the beginning of May and they were in my driveway being rained on, pooped on, driven over, and pressure washed on both sides for two whole months. I installed them last week. They do still have a slight odor but it is very tollarable and only in that room, not the whole house which was my fear initially. That smell was gawd awful nausing when I bought them. Secondly, another draw back is they are cut to a “nominal size“. They are 4’x6’x3/4” but that 4x6 part varies on the length up to one full inch on some of the mats. I actually had to measure each one out on the driveway any put them on a piece of paper so I could lay them out accordingly and get them to “match up” as best I could. Thirdly, cutting them is a real chore. Best way is a very sharp razor utility knive and a straight edge. Be prepared to make 20 or so passes to cut all the way through and replace the blades often. Fourthly, they are crazy heavy and darn near impossible for one small guy to handle alone. They are as I said 4’x6’x3/4” thick and they are very dense and stiff and not to mention heavy. Like 105 lbs heavy each one. Bulky and awkward to handle alone. I had all I could do to flip them over on the other side and or to roll them up and tie them off in a roll to dolly them inside the house. I should have forgotten then gym equipment and just heafted those babies around every day for exercise! Lastly they are very dense which is great if you want to drop weights on them and or put heavy equipment or even have horses stand on them all day! But you would not want to do Yoga on them or even lay down on them. Its like laying on concrete. With that being said, I love them now that they are all in. I do need to get some black silicone caulk from Lowes and caulk a few of the joints I couldn’t get tight and was disappointed with no matter how much I tried to compress them and tighten them up. That’s because they were not square to begin with and if I had to try and cut each one square, I’d still be in there. Black caulk will hide a lot of sins. So here is the before and after pics. I’m very happy to have my dedicated gym now. BTY, that Bowflex is about 28 years old. It spent the first 27 years or more being the best close line dryer I ever owned. It has gotten more use in the last 7 months for what it was intended for, exercising, then in the first 27 years combined! So, today I’m at my Crockett weight of 160lbs. I also happen to be at 5’10. My next phase goal is to get to 8% body fat and then end up settling at 10% once everything evens out. Thanks for reading.
    2 points
  5. CAROLINE´S/BILLY´S APARTMENT I am convinced that this location is/was a collection of look-alike houses in a row (but with space in between each of them) like this in the NE grid, somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle between the studio, the location of the parking lot scene with Billy near FIU and the silo location at NE 161 Street. Also, the church could have been located there somewhere. Here is a close match with a similarly looking access street at NE135 Street.
    1 point
  6. The Sound - I Can't Escape Myself (1980) Maybe "Evan"
    1 point
  7. Hi Tony, thank you for the kind words. You could say I retired from Tampa and am now working a part-time job. I transferred to our Zepherhills & Dade City campuses. I traded one big one for two small ones. I have nearly no stress and sometimes think I’m part time or semi-retired, not that I want to tell my bosses that. Although ironically, the guy I hired at Tampa to work for me is now my direct boss there so he knows what’s up and he’s laughing all the way to the bank too. Tampa was just one big never ending ball of total stress. Glad to have left that behind me. That was in December of 2018.
    1 point
  8. Let's be honest...Stan Bush's voice just screams 80s montage!
    1 point
  9. Thanks pal !!! It's an ever evolving search for the holy grail lol but just like tom hanks in the da Vinci code I feel like I've almost cracked it lol
    1 point
  10. Crazy how one slight change makes such a big difference, not as poofed up in the front. Saw the episode last night and went "grrrrr how didn't I see that before" lol
    1 point
  11. Aw man, I agree with you! I’m not a big fan of excessive profanity even though there are movies I love with excessive profanity. It seems more intelligent to use other words than just curse words.
    1 point
  12. Hey pals, I bet your tired of seeing my mug but I was watching "back in the world" and discovered I've been making the part too close to center. So I fixed it and....
    1 point
  13. @Tom can I PM you the next time I lose my car keys?
    1 point
  14. Hi Tim...….. . I'm glad you've recovered from your heart trouble to be able to lose all that weight & build a sizeable gym at home. I was wondering if you are now retired from your job in Tampa or doing some part time work? Well, anyway I wish you all the best and stay safe !
    1 point
  15. "Let's walk the route." Man, I love this movie!
    1 point
  16. As for the unknown video dating club building - which is also driving me nuts now - , I found a small new clue: I always thought we see a long closed hallway with triangular arches and doors to the left and right here, but close scrutiny of the last fast camera movement revealed that on the left side behind the the first triangular arch there seems to be bigger room (event room?) with a kind of balcony above it, so the left side of the "aisle" is open! One golden colums is in between the "hallway" and the open space. Very interesting detail! I have learnt not to underestimate even seemingly irrelevant details, so I post it here, maybe it helps in finding it... My pics below are unfortunately very blurry due to the fast camera movement (DJ wanted to film from the killer´s POV) but it gives at least a bit more understanding about the building pattern and the purpose. The rooms to the right are maybe no treatment rooms as we thought but something else...
    1 point
  17. I think it was better Sonny's haircut choice for Season 3. You can find the whole photo shoot on gettyimages.com
    1 point
  18. theoretically yes. But it looks like a real office and the 4 slim windows do not look like a residential home. 28 Harbor Point that was also used has three similar slim windows (see below), but not four windows (Also, there is running car traffic behind the slim windows visible which is impossible in this case and in most villas in KB). But it was massively remodelled recently incl. the kitchen that we see in the episode, so it is hard to recognize anything. As there is hardly anything else on Key Biscayne than residential homes and they had so many locations there anyway, I rather suspect to be these missing two in downtown or Miami Beach.
    1 point
  19. NEW LOCATION/CORRECTION: ELLEN´S APARTMENT FILMED ONSITE @C Glidewrote on his location site that the interior of the apartment is unknown/unsure. I can shed light on that. At least I can prove that the interior was filmed at 705 14 Street (now 701 14 Street), but it was not apartment 3 or in other words, not filmed at the same apartment that the entrance leads to (we also discussed that as there is a closet door behind the Trudy and behind the entrance that is not seen in the interior shots). I found interior pics from Apartments 1,2,3 and 4 there and studied them. 3 is upstairs and bigger with two windows on the front (price nearly 1 million!). Others are 1-2 bedroom apartments. Ellen´s aprtment was 2 rooms (one living room, one bedroom). https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/701-14th-St-APT-3-Miami-Beach-FL-33139/66178193_zpid/? https://www.redfin.com/FL/Miami-Beach/701-14th-St-33139/unit-1/home/43289035 short story is: there are significant details in these apartments that prove that it was filmed there, e.g. the kitchen window and the small glass brick walls, although the latter are not in the same place like in the MV apartment. In one scene, we can see that Trudy enters from outside and there is genuine sunlight, a genuine handrail from that building, a green hedge directly next to the door and blue sky above. As for the fireplace: if it is genuine, it needs a chimney. There are chimneys on the roof that allow ALL apartments in question to use it. The latter two do NOT fit with the apartment door that Ellen and Trudy use from outside, as there is no hedge and it would be impossible to see the sky due to the building part behind it too close, blocking the view.. Also the second first floor apartments on the right and left side of Ellen´s entrance door in that building do not have a green hedge. BUT: there is another apartment entrance on the Euclid Ave side. The second floor apartments do not have an entrance from the street but from the inside. So, my verdict is: filmed there on location, YES filmed in apartment 3 (middle door):NO. but most probably in the first floor apartment on the Euclid side. PS: in one pic we get a unique shot on Bobby Foxworth, DJ´s double.
    1 point
  20. LAST UNKNOWN LOCATION: THE CARPENTER BUSINESS OF ARTURO ORIBE Very tough nut left. Going by the pictures (key is the outside shot, adaptive lighting massively enhanced digitally), I would say this is a downtown location in a similar neigborhood as the Milk Run drug lab was. Likely close to other downtown locations in that ep (only NW22 Ave Miami River bridge as far as I know). Does not look like Miami Beach.... There is no number on the building, but a unique surface on the building itself and the wooden roof. Most likely, this building does not exist anymore...
    1 point