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  1. 2 Crocketts and a silver Testarossa? At least they got the music right.
    2 points
  2. 1 point
  3. I was as lost as the one guy who didn’t get it either.
    1 point
  4. I saw two of em, but I'm in the same boat. Just couldn't get into them. Great minds think alike I guess!
    1 point
  5. UNKNOWN LOCATION: BURNETT KILLS GUITERREZ Ocean Drive/Lummus Park near the stone wall? I suspect that this scene was NOT filmed on the same location as the other Burnett murder (JFK/Pelican Harbor), but at a different spot. After scrutiny of the two camera shots we have only as clue, I tend to suspect that this scene was filmed on Ocean Drive, in Lummus park very close to the wall where C&T shot the last punk in "Nobody lives forever". I have never noticed before that the background behind Guiterrez has lots of similiarities with the back-end of Lummus Park. See below. The other shot does not give much clues, but it does not look like JFK causeway/Pelican Harbor Park and it also might fit with Lummus Park if we assume that the white area behind Crockett is no wall but a sandy area (there is some between the trees there) and the lights in the background could be Ocean Drive hotels. Any feedback or better ideas appreciated.
    1 point
  6. I watched the first LOTR and I didn't like it. I found it boring. I didn't watch the other two.
    1 point
  7. Yup, wrong trivia, but you are correct!
    1 point
  8. Well, the “public” (aka the media) is mostly exaggerations, twisting of stories, or flat out lies/fabrications. So, I wouldn’t put too much credence in any of that. But, with personal relationships/friendships among people it’s best to try and help or support people that you know are struggling. We don’t always know what they’re going through or where they’ve come from/been to be causing or contributing to actions or thoughts. However, regardless of how complicated, difficult, or hurtful it might be...we can’t wallow in guilt (if you have or think you have done something bad) or self pity/poor me (if something bad has, or you think something bad has been done to you) forever. We can’t use whatever has happened as an excuse to act or say whatever we want, or not do/say what we don’t want to (but should). We’ve got to find a way/s to acknowledge whatever the issue is & deal with it. Continual destructive behavior or words are not “magically” justified just because we feel guilty or bad...especially if they continually hurt others around us. Evan sadly didn’t come to grips with this (or chose not to—I got the distinct impression that Sonny & others had tried to help him several times in the past, but he refused it) until it was too late. I feel bad for Evan...to an extent. Instead of dealing with & coming to grips with his guilt and self-hatred, he became “toxic” to everyone around him. This only makes things worse. I think Sonny & other cops that knew Evan would have forgiven him years before...they would’ve or did try to help him. But, he chose to forever wallow in his own guilt and self pity instead...and it sadly destroyed him.
    1 point
  9. The only fit I can find for the driving segment on KB is on the north side of Virginia Key, just east of the sand dunes (see first pic). Here the distance to the beach and the vegetation matches as well as the open space at the end of the 50m drive. I am convinced that the drive scene and the meet underneath the trees were NOT filmed on the same spot (two different locations, maybe close but not one location). All other spots do not work (no roads, wrong vegetation), except two, but both do not qualify (on one there is a house, the other is too broad and too long to match what we see in the episode).
    1 point
  10. Haha Well you’re right on the character, but I believe the quote starts with “Who said/says...”. Idk maybe not...
    1 point
  11. UNKNOWN LOCATION FOUND TUBBS HOTEL ROOM IN THE FAIRMONT (now Fairwind, 1000 Collins Ave) This location is marked with "unknown" on @C Glides page for the interior but the exterior shot is correctly marked with the Fairmont. I took a quick look and it is clear that they filmed that also internally there onsite. Three big clues: the small 3x1 block window behind Tubbs, which is pretty unique. I´ve never seen anything like this in other SoBe hotel rooms the distance between the small window and a second window which is out of frame but indirectly visible by its light cone. The wall between both windows is even, no corners or edges. the sunlight in this room (day light) only comes from the left which means room windows must go to the east/south or west and it´s not a corner room. Checking on the outside of the Fairmont, we find this unique small window with the same window dividers in two rows of possible room locations on the south side of the building (marked in my pic below) where the wall is even and the distance between both windows fits exactly. The window at the corner of Collins is not possible as there is a cornered edge in the middle between both windows which is missing in the room and the distance is not quite right too. Another small location off the list. UPDATE: I just found out that the Edison Hotel 960 Ocean Drive also has these small 3x1 block windows and 1 potentially fitting location for such a room (see last picture). Guess it´s a 50:50 chance then between these two as both hotels were used in that episode. There are no conclusive interior pics from both hotels rooms.
    1 point
  12. Thanks for making me laugh!! Open up your wallets to my collection plate and I guarantee heavenly rewards.
    1 point
  13. Derail alert: Try to imagine that song without Pino Palladino’s fretless bass.
    1 point
  14. Great shot of these buildings and 79th St/North Bay Island at the end of this episode.
    1 point