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  1. from the deleted Iggy Pop scene in "Evan"
    5 points
  2. Interesting catch! Back to the Future and Miami Vice are both Universal too. That episode would have been filmed just a few months after Back to the Future came out.
    4 points
  3. Could be, but they all look virtually the same. On that note, in Tale of the Goat when Bobby Profile is filming one of his ads, you can hear his voice (off screen) say something like “I don’t know if it will take you back to the future…”, which suggests he’s trying to sell a Delorean, but I don’t remember ever seeing one on his lot. Anyone else ever catch that?
    4 points
  4. Currently going through the original (and the “real”) Magnum p.i., with Tom Selleck. I haven’t watched it in probably 10-12 years, and I recently acquired the Fabulous Films Blu-ray set…which is almost all, if not all, unedited original broadcast versions! Anyway, I’m in the 12th episode of Season 1, “Thicker Than Blood”, and who do I notice guest starring (have never noticed this before)…but ‘Shadow’ himself—Vincent Caristi (from the MV episode “Shadow In the Dark”)! He looks a little more ‘human’ in this…but, I think he’s supposed to be a junkie. So, maybe that’s what fried him out & he then headed to Miami. Just kidding! (Side-note: This episode of “Magnum” was the first one to feature the famous starting theme song. The 11 episodes before it originally had a different starting theme.) A couple pics of Caristi…one as ‘Shadow’, and one from the episode of “Magnum”. Sadly he died fairly young in 1990, but I don’t believe a cause of death was ever stated: Vincent Caristi as ‘Shadow’, in MV’s Season 3 episode “Shadow In the Dark” (1986). Vincent Caristi as ‘Joey’, in Magnum p.i.’s Season 1 episode “Thicker Than Blood” (1981).
    4 points
  5. Without seeing your sketch of the venue configuration it's hard to scan the aerials, but a thing I will say is I get strong vibes of one place in Miami today, if it was mapped into that time - Palapa at Upper Buena Vista. 1. It's a small concert venue with plenty of dancing and drinking space 2. Lots of vegetation throughout including large mature trees 3. It is close to the predominantly black areas of Miami, which fits with the band/music in the scene 4. It's not far from the following in the sheet driving scene I can't tell from the aerials if this area would be feasible for that build in the 1980s, and I certainly don't claim this is the location, but vibe-wise it's very close to me, just food for thought. Assuming of course that the venue in the episode was used per its real-life purpose and the band actually played there, not made up by the crew. Also, anybody knows what this flag on the wall is, on the left? The rainbow flag on the right could be irrelevant to the location finding, but if the flag on the left is something unique, say ethnic/geographic, maybe googling relevant cultural-historical congregation places in Miami in the 80s could yeild a lead.
    3 points
  6. If I was a size 40, not only would I buy that right now, but I'd drive there to pick it up (Sebring is maybe 3 hours away from me). Anyway, I got a new jacket but it looks/fits kinda weird. It says it's 100% linen but the way it both looks and feels reminds me more of a robe, lol. Wasn't expensive and it does fit me well, plus it's super light, but it's very casual looking (Which I guess is good if I wanna rock it with a t-shirt and slacks). Any idea how to get this thing looking sharp? Somehow I think ironing/pressing it like a traditional suit is not an option, lol. Also, I have another jacket coming in, hopefully tomorrow, that's also 100% linen, but it looks nothing like this one regarding the material. I'll report on that later.
    2 points
  7. Smuggler´s blues, with "Captain Chaos" John Nicolella (middle).
    2 points
  8. Today we wish a very Happy Birthday to one of the actors of our favorite show, Miami Vice, .................. John Diehl! He played Larry Zito. We enjoyed him in all the episodes with his partner, Switek! Have a great Birthday, John!
    1 point
  9. Maybe the customer was a buyer for Anthony Acosta
    1 point
  10. Pressing the sleeve cuffs and the pocket openings could help a great deal already. You could also try pressing the lapels in the collar area (and only there) in such a way that the lapel rolls from the button, rather than from just below your chest. Not sure if that would work though, because that shape heavily depends on the collar.
    1 point
  11. Awesome! I searched to no avail.
    1 point
  12. 40 regular, $40: https://www.ebay.com/itm/315336327967?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Wa__QBpARPS&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=pubP6yz6RwS&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. "Lombard"´s son fraternizing with police
    1 point
  15. After the Santa Monica location seen in “ Free Verse “ and “ Asian Cut “ — I went to the Los Angeles neighborhood area of Burbank on Friday and to 2901 West Alameda Avenue. Did the best I could inside the small studio complex. We see this set up shot in Season 3s “ Stone’ s War “. This came from another 1980s show and I think was used in “ Dynasty “ and “ Murder She Wrote”. from “ Stone’s War “ —- My shots 19th April, 2024– Burbank
    1 point
  16. Those cool looking speakers reappear again in "Lend Me An Ear" First seen in "Theresa"
    1 point
  17. Mosca and Crockett sharing a dressing gown... Contempt of Court: Rock And A Hard Place:
    1 point