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The facts are not correct...

Rico is absolutely happy when Angelina comes back to show him his son. Every man wants to have a son and he had never forgotten Angelina, but Angelina´s half - brother Orlando hates all of them. Rico, because he blames him for his father´s death, his sister because of her love for Rico and the baby because he´s Rico´s child. Orlando kidnaps Angelina and the Baby and wires his sister with a bomb. Rico has to watch helpless as Angelina and the baby die [4].-

The baby stays alive.

Once he barely escapes from death when he tried to convict Legba, the priest of a Voodoo - Sect [6]. Another loss ist Larry Zitos death, who died on an overdosis, but is not a junkie [7]. And Orlando Calderone Junior hadn´t forgotten Rico. He tempts him with the supposted win of a journey to a lonely island. There Rico has to fight on his own against Calderone and his men. In this battle of life and death Calderone Junior loses his life, but so does Ricos girlfriend [8 -

Alisha stays alive.


After all this experiences he sees clearly that he doesn´t want to live this way any more. The seemingly endless and hopeless fight has exhausted him. It´s time for him to turn his back on Miami and start a new life [15].-

Rico didn`t want to leave Miami so did Sonny. They had to do this.

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Maria, I believe that in Ell.a's initial post about Rico, she meant that when Angelina died in the explosion, as far as Rico knew at the time, his son was in the car and died as well.

I can't address Alisha because I don't remember much about that episode.

I differ with you on your last point (if I understood you correctly).  I think that at the end of Freefall, Rico did want to leave Miami, for the reasons Ell.a stated:  he was worn out with the endless and seemingly hopeless fight to rid Miami of the destruction caused by drugs.  As if the dealers weren't enough, the Federal law enforcement people who were supposed to be on the side of law, allowed major dealers to get away scot-free because they were providing information or some other valuable service to the US government; in some cases of course the sworn officers of the law were being paid off by the crooks.  Rico could see this and he was sick of it.  Not that New York was necessarily better, but at least he could get away from the scenes of the losses of his family and friends.  I think Sonny also had the same reaction: he was sick of being used by his fellow law-enforcement officers at the Federal level who had another agenda going on that they didn't share with him--even though they were willing for him to put his life on the line.  Sonny was ready to cut ties to the responsibilities and obligations of being a police officer because he didn't want to work with supposed allies who were actually using him.

Anyway, that's the way I see it.  You are free to disagree, of course :)


Edited by vicegirl85
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7 hours ago, vicegirl85 said:

Maria, I believe that in Ell.a's initial post about Rico, she meant that when Angelina died in the explosion, as far as Rico knew at the time, his son was in the car and died as well.

I can't address Alisha because I don't remember much about that episode.

I differ with you on your last point (if I understood you correctly).  I think that at the end of Freefall, Rico did want to leave Miami, for the reasons Ell.a stated:  he was worn out with the endless and seemingly hopeless fight to rid Miami of the destruction caused by drugs.  As if the dealers weren't enough, the Federal law enforcement people who were supposed to be on the side of law, allowed major dealers to get away scot-free because they were providing information or some other valuable service to the US government; in some cases of course the sworn officers of the law were being paid off by the crooks.  Rico could see this and he was sick of it.  Not that New York was necessarily better, but at least he could get away from the scenes of the losses of his family and friends.  I think Sonny also had the same reaction: he was sick of being used by his fellow law-enforcement officers at the Federal level who had another agenda going on that they didn't share with him--even though they were willing for him to put his life on the line.  Sonny was ready to cut ties to the responsibilities and obligations of being a police officer because he didn't want to work with supposed allies who were actually using him.

Anyway, that's the way I see it.  You are free to disagree, of course :)


:) I tell only about the events which were shown. Not about possible reasons. Well, let it be so, I wrote not to argue, only asked to check. 

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Excellent points!

I agree that the conflicting agendas were a big factor of them both quitting in Freefall. The last few seasons made it abundantly  clear that the FBI, CIA, and local law enforcement were all butting heads, and this was remarkable television drama as it was so close to reality! I could see the frustration in Crockett and Tubbs.

As for Tubbs child, this debate will go on for years. It is an open door that will be discussed forever. (and that is a good thing)

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Excellent ! The producers / writers could have done so much more with Rico's son/ Calderone except "The Afternoon Plane " Season 3 episode - but then again I suppose they didnt want the show turning into a soap opera / weekly ongoing story at that time  :D

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if they had consistent writing in the last two years they could have set it up as a storyline in season 5 where he find's his son and that prompt's him quitting also. Quit a few missed opportunities they left on the table.

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4 hours ago, Stinger390X said:

Excellent points!

I agree that the conflicting agendas were a big factor of them both quitting in Freefall. The last few seasons made it abundantly  clear that the FBI, CIA, and local law enforcement were all butting heads, and this was remarkable television drama as it was so close to reality! I could see the frustration in Crockett and Tubbs.

As for Tubbs child, this debate will go on for years. It is an open door that will be discussed forever. (and that is a good thing)

Here is about his son and Alicia too. I think we can beliave the wikia? :)


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2 hours ago, Matt5 said:

Excellent ! The producers / writers could have done so much more with Rico's son/ Calderone except "The Afternoon Plane " Season 3 episode - but then again I suppose they didnt want the show turning into a soap opera / weekly ongoing story at that time  :D

:) No more soap as with Crocket`s Caroline(this is so soapy for me:) ). I don`t think they didn`t continue the line with the child on purpose, likely they simply forgot it. As for me-if they desided not to continue this story, it`ll be logical not to take him out of the car. What for? Or if they saved him-it had to be continued. So-they saved the child-and what? We don`t know:( Only fans continue this storyline and some do it really good! A great pity there is no one to make a film or a show

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4 hours ago, Stinger390X said:

Excellent points!

I agree that the conflicting agendas were a big factor of them both quitting in Freefall. The last few seasons made it abundantly  clear that the FBI, CIA, and local law enforcement were all butting heads, and this was remarkable television drama as it was so close to reality! I could see the frustration in Crockett and Tubbs.

As for Tubbs child, this debate will go on for years. It is an open door that will be discussed forever. (and that is a good thing)

It`ll be a good thing if smb makes a film about this. Because there are really ready scripts in "Fan fiction" and even PMT`s son wrote there that he could act. It could be a great present for fans. But as we see-it`s only bla-bla-bla and dreams.

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19 hours ago, Maria said:

:) No more soap as with Crocket`s Caroline(this is so soapy for me:) ). I don`t think they didn`t continue the line with the child on purpose, likely they simply forgot it. As for me-if they desided not to continue this story, it`ll be logical not to take him out of the car. What for? Or if they saved him-it had to be continued. So-they saved the child-and what? We don`t know:( Only fans continue this storyline and some do it really good! A great pity there is no one to make a film or a show

Yes the child was saved but was never followed through again - the producers and show runners changed at the end of Season 2 - beginning of Season 3 to shake things up a little and the new producers ,except from "The Afternoon Plane",  didnt really reference Season 1 and 2 


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just because the child was out there didn't mean Tubbs had to  find him. Who knows what Orlando did with him. He might have ended up in an orphanage. Even if he was under his care , once he died how would Tubbs find out about it? They could have brought the child back into the picture, on the other hand it could have been meant to be bittersweet that the audience knows, but Ricardo never did.

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2 hours ago, AzVice said:

just because the child was out there didn't mean Tubbs had to  find him. Who knows what Orlando did with him. He might have ended up in an orphanage. Even if he was under his care , once he died how would Tubbs find out about it? They could have brought the child back into the picture, on the other hand it could have been meant to be bittersweet that the audience knows, but Ricardo never did.

It looks like a sophisticated mockery of the audience and the hero that they left the child alive and Tubbs didn`t know about it. They could "kill" them-that would be cruel, bad and tragic, but understandable. Or they coul make an interesting continuation with Orlando and child. But what they did-it is nonsense.

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5 hours ago, Matt5 said:

Yes the child was saved but was never followed through again - the producers and show runners changed at the end of Season 2 - beginning of Season 3 to shake things up a little and the new producers ,except from "The Afternoon Plane",  didnt really reference Season 1 and 2 


Yes, they changed, but they continued Sonny`s and Caroline`s line. So why not to end the Tubbs` story line/ They brought back Calderone in "Afternoon plane" -It would be logical to "play" with the baby`s story. Somehow-not certanly Tubbs would have taken him away.

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33 minutes ago, AzVice said:

How is it nonsense? that a villiain did something bad?!

I meant "nonsense" is that the story of the main hero is with an ununderstandable ending. They simply didn't care about this. In both seasons-2 and 3. And it's bad, yes. What for? What did they want to show? This question bothers not only me but hundreds of fans. All is IMHO.

Not to mention the fact that really Tubbs easily could see that the baby was not in the car-he couldn`t lay without movement. Further what did they put into a little coffin?! What? The car was burning and we saw the seats... so they could find Angelina of course, but how did they find baby?! One more question without an answer.

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I think it's possible, even probable, that Tubbs could not see that the baby wasn't in the car.  I truly don't think he was close enough or had the right sight angles to be able to see.  What did they put in the little coffin?  A very fair question!  

It is a shame that the producers and writers let that storyline go completely.  They really just ignored it.  It seemed to me that the stable of writers used in Miami Vice was always changing; maybe the new showrunners thought that storyline lacked appeal for the target audience--or maybe they forgot about it.  We'll really never know. 

I disagree that Tubbs was the "main hero", though.  Fair or not, by the middle of Season 1 Crockett, not Tubbs, had emerged as the main hero and Don Johnson as the star of the show.  

The story of Crockett and Caroline was interesting to me, :)  However, there is inconsistency in that storyline as well and it had a rather unsatisfactory end (in my opinion).  For that matter, although from time to time we saw that Gina still carried a torch for Crockett, I felt that relationship was also dropped and at the end of Freefall, Gina and Trudy both were just completely ignored.

So many opportunities to do something interesting with each one of the characters, and so many misses in achieving a resolution to the relationships.  Maybe you could write a fanfic in which the situation of Tubbs and his son is resolved.   

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5 hours ago, vicegirl85 said:

I think it's possible, even probable, that Tubbs could not see that the baby wasn't in the car.  I truly don't think he was close enough or had the right sight angles to be able to see.  What did they put in the little coffin?  A very fair question!  

It is a shame that the producers and writers let that storyline go completely.  They really just ignored it.  It seemed to me that the stable of writers used in Miami Vice was always changing; maybe the new showrunners thought that storyline lacked appeal for the target audience--or maybe they forgot about it.  We'll really never know. 

I disagree that Tubbs was the "main hero", though.  Fair or not, by the middle of Season 1 Crockett, not Tubbs, had emerged as the main hero and Don Johnson as the star of the show.  

The story of Crockett and Caroline was interesting to me, :)  However, there is inconsistency in that storyline as well and it had a rather unsatisfactory end (in my opinion).  For that matter, although from time to time we saw that Gina still carried a torch for Crockett, I felt that relationship was also dropped and at the end of Freefall, Gina and Trudy both were just completely ignored.

So many opportunities to do something interesting with each one of the characters, and so many misses in achieving a resolution to the relationships.  Maybe you could write a fanfic in which the situation of Tubbs and his son is resolved.   

When I write 'main hero' I mean one of two heroes. Of course he was not the only and Crockett had the preference of writers and show makers.

So many fanfics are written. But they will never be filmed.

Edited by Maria
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10 hours ago, vicegirl85 said:

I think it's possible, even probable, that Tubbs could not see that the baby wasn't in the car.  I truly don't think he was close enough or had the right sight angles to be able to see.  What did they put in the little coffin?  A very fair question!  

It is a shame that the producers and writers let that storyline go completely.  They really just ignored it.  It seemed to me that the stable of writers used in Miami Vice was always changing; maybe the new showrunners thought that storyline lacked appeal for the target audience--or maybe they forgot about it.  We'll really never know. 

I disagree that Tubbs was the "main hero", though.  Fair or not, by the middle of Season 1 Crockett, not Tubbs, had emerged as the main hero and Don Johnson as the star of the show.  

The story of Crockett and Caroline was interesting to me, :)  However, there is inconsistency in that storyline as well and it had a rather unsatisfactory end (in my opinion).  For that matter, although from time to time we saw that Gina still carried a torch for Crockett, I felt that relationship was also dropped and at the end of Freefall, Gina and Trudy both were just completely ignored.

So many opportunities to do something interesting with each one of the characters, and so many misses in achieving a resolution to the relationships.  Maybe you could write a fanfic in which the situation of Tubbs and his son is resolved.   

I wonder how they, cops, didn't make any checks after the explosion and why they were sure that the child was inside.

I also agree about misses. I absolutely don't understand why Tubbs and Alicia had no continuation. She didn't die and they didn't quarrel:)

It's a shame that produssers didn't like Tubbs as they like Crockett, even the one of three versions of the show ending was Tubbs killed. But they changed their mind then. 

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4 hours ago, Maria said:

I wonder how they, cops, didn't make any checks after the explosion and why they were sure that the child was inside.

I also agree about misses. I absolutely don't understand why Tubbs and Alicia had no continuation. She didn't die and they didn't quarrel:)

It's a shame that produssers didn't like Tubbs as they like Crockett, even the one of three versions of the show ending was Tubbs killed. But they changed their mind then. 

I agree, it doesn't make sense that there was not a more thorough investigation that would have revealed the baby's body wasn't found.  And it's unfortunate that Tubbs was pushed aside to the extent that he was.  We'll never know how different the show may have been if the two stars received more equal attention.  But that's commercial broadcast TV for you.  And as I have to remind myself when I watch medically-oriented TV shows (I'm a nurse), it's TV, Mom.  That's what my daughter says when I complain about the unreality of the medical world of TV, where doctors do everything from registering a patient to fetching a bedpan to open chest heart massage in the ER.  

I don't complain about TV lawyers, cops, oil barons, or bar owners as being portrayed unrealistically because I don't know enough to judge them.  So some themes bother me less.  But ultimately, TV shows are entertainment, and the producers, directors, writers and actors are trying to grab and hold viewers' attention.  I think most try to start from a recognizably genuine place, but the goal of entertainment trumps a more boring reality.  And when writers and directors come and go through a revolving door, continuity usually loses out.

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7 hours ago, vicegirl85 said:

I agree, it doesn't make sense that there was not a more thorough investigation that would have revealed the baby's body wasn't found.  And it's unfortunate that Tubbs was pushed aside to the extent that he was.  We'll never know how different the show may have been if the two stars received more equal attention.  But that's commercial broadcast TV for you.  And as I have to remind myself when I watch medically-oriented TV shows (I'm a nurse), it's TV, Mom.  That's what my daughter says when I complain about the unreality of the medical world of TV, where doctors do everything from registering a patient to fetching a bedpan to open chest heart massage in the ER.  

I don't complain about TV lawyers, cops, oil barons, or bar owners as being portrayed unrealistically because I don't know enough to judge them.  So some themes bother me less.  But ultimately, TV shows are entertainment, and the producers, directors, writers and actors are trying to grab and hold viewers' attention.  I think most try to start from a recognizably genuine place, but the goal of entertainment trumps a more boring reality.  And when writers and directors come and go through a revolving door, continuity usually loses out.

  I even don't complain about Tubbs had less his own time in a show, that's okay, one of two heroes often has more, it' s normal. I only don't like that they threw out his own life in such bad way. The begining was really great but it had no end for some reason(about Tubbs). It could have no such begining as he was the second hero in a couple and then the people wouldn't wait for the continuation and the ending. But yes, it's TV. 

  By the way my favourite medical show was "Er":)

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