Go Trek Yourself


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  • 3 weeks later...

Star Trek - new one is a keeper.My husband and I went to see Star Trek Saturday. I must admit I was pleasantly surprised. While I had some trouble with the time laws and plot holes, the overall story was good. The casting was good. Bones has always been my favorite character, and Karl Urban had bones down to a Tee! The other cast members were good also. They were similar enough to the characters of the original actors to make me forget at times they weren't the original ones. Of course at Trek cons I had seen the web episodes called the New Frontiers which had the original characters acting in futher adventures, and they were played by other actors to so the concept wasn't that new to me. There was lots of action, but there were explorations of the characters also. I consider myself a Treker as I grew up on the original, and have watched all the different incarnations of Star Trek. I've also been to several of the Starbase Indy Cons, and was a member of the IU Star Trek fan club in the early 1970's. After saying that I highly recommend this movie. The non Star Trek fans seemed to like it too. I've only heard of minor disappointment from some fans. I hope they make another one if they take time and do a plot worthy of it. One of the things which was a plus for me was that the cast had elements of the original actors in their portrayal but it wasn't a mimicry.

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