The Rise Of Skywalker


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  • 2 months later...
On 4/12/2019 at 10:43 AM, Bren10 said:

Yes, I am a lifelong Star Wars fanboy. I just saw the Episode IX teaser on youtube and I have to say I am now officially excited.

Hard to believe it has been 40 years since Luke, Leia, Hans, Chewie, Obi-Wan and the rest captured my teenage imagination and made me a lifelong fan.  I too am psyched for this film!!

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I grew up with the Star Wars franchise like most of us ...

BUT ... the last trilogy is not really what I expected ... it is good yes, but not THAT good (at least for me) ...

I'll watch the last episode but I am not hyped like before ...

How time flyes ... :)

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The new trilogy certainly has many flaws but it's what we've been given. Either we accept it or check out of it altogether, which I won't do. Hopefully and possibly much of the complaints will be addressed with the return of JJ Abrams. He is not a perfect filmmaker by any means either, but he respects the material far more than Rian Johnson.

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I honestly won't even pirate it. There's no way in hell I'm giving Disney my money for this trainwreck of trilogy.

Someone made a fan edit of The Last Jedi and released it online last week and watching just a couple scenes with over 30 minutes of it cut was still unbearable torture. I don't give a monkeys what happens to the new characters, why would anyone be invested in Rey and Kylo. They've made the story up as they went along and they don't just suck as stand alone films, they've nullified and tarnished what happened in the original trilogy. The ending of Return of the Jedi is basically now a meaningless victory against the Empire and what Rian Johnson did to Luke is unforgivable... 

JJ. Abrams having to bring back the Emperor from the friggin dead because of Snoke's premature death was the biggest eye roll for me when I saw that trailer. It doesn't make me excited it, it makes me feel insulted. The fact a lot of Star Wars fans are falling for this ploy is embarrassing frankly. They're playing you like a fool so you can sip up some of that good ol' nostalgia. Oh look it's an 82 year old Billy Dee Williams,  I can't wait.

Kathleen Kennedy doesn't understand the series and has screwed Star Wars up beyond repair with not having a story arc planned for the three films and giving each director creative freedom without them working in partnership with who will take the reins on the next movie. See Colin Trevorrow departing for creative difference as example. It's a mess and in complete contract with the job Kevin Feige has done with Marvel Studios.

After the dust has settled expect to see the true dirt come to light on how disastrous the production of these movies have been from everyone connected with them. John Boyega said recently he'll speak his displeasure after the movie it out.  Hopefully Rise of the Skywalker bombs and they can clean house at Lucas Film because it's rotten to the core. For the the future of Star Wars you really should want it to fail at the box office because they need to learn the customers aren't a loyal fanbase who they can take for granted.

That was my rant! :)

Edited by Marc
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If you can look at this tweet and still be on board then there's nothing I can say to convince you.

He's a total scumbag of the highest order who gets off on it and that's me watching my language. 

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Alright, let me make a few points.

First of all, it's not your job to convince me of anything. And it's not mine to be convinced by you. I like what I like and I don't care what anyone else says. Like the stages of grief, I've gone through the stages of disappointment and upset with things that were done with this trilogy. But I've gotten past that and now I want to see the conclusion. For those hardline haters, nothing short of remaking this current trilogy the way they want will make them happy, and that isn't happening anytime soon. Nor can the filmmaking style of '77, '80, and '83 ever return. We got the trilogy we got, and if you hate it that much you can check out, as it seems you have. I was born in '76 and Star Wars came out in '77 so I've basically had my entire life to be invested in this thing. And I'm not about to turn my back on it just because I find some story elements to be distasteful or even infuriating. Sorry, not happening.

By bringing back Abrams, Disney has conceded they've made some bad choices. So there's a chance some things can be rectified. I'm interested in Rey because I want to find out what her true lineage is and what her ultimate fate is. I'm interested in Kylo because I don't think his is going to be a simple redemption story because that would be too predictable and I find that intriguing. Luke is returning in some form so he also may get a better send-off.

The end of Return of the Jedi is not meaningless because the First Order is not the Empire. The Empire was defeated and Anakin Skywalker brought balance by defeating the Sith. That can't be taken away. Even with the Rebellion's victory the galaxy would still have its problems just like any other society and it isn't unreasonable to have something like the First Order rise out of that. The entire expanded universe was based on post-Empire problems.

The Emperor actually coming back is not 100% confirmed. In fact the rumor mill has it that he will be seen on recordings recovered from the remains of the second Death Star, as seen in the trailer. Or possibly thru flashback or maybe even haunting the place. Whatever the case I don't have a problem with it. 

Personally I got goosebumps seeing Lando in the Falcon again. Call me what you want for that, I don't care. I love Billy Dee Williams and he deserves to be seen one last time in the Lando role.  I actually have faith they will do right by him this time.

Bottom line, I'm excited to see this film and for those who don't want to accept this trilogy you can always just watch the classic trilogy up to Jedi or read the EU. To each their own.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Disney will do whatever Disney needs to do to keep the property viable. That's one of the downsides to them gaining control. Quality will eventually, and inevitably, suffer.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Well I saw it and I somewhat surprisingly really enjoyed it. JJ Abrams was limited with what he had to work with (in Carrie Fisher's case literally) and he mostly pulls it off. I won't spoil anything too much but the good news is no time travel and no Jar Jar. There are some genuinely emotional moments for longtime fans here as well. The film is long and pretty action packed. I think things really take off after about the first half hour. Billy Dee Williams makes a great showing as Lando Calrissian and I was truly happy to see him again. There are good fights that look more like fights than choreographed dance routines which I like. Several questions are answered but not all of them. We finally get to see Rey, Finn, and Poe adventuring together at one time which is nice and they do have chemistry together. Finn particularly has a stronger showing in this film.

I think critics are rushing to bash this film because they expect a lot of fans to hate it like they did Last Jedi and they want to be on the right side of the fence this time. But I suggest you see it and judge for yourself. The bottom line is I left the theater glad that I went. :rolleyes:

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There are three movies that make me sleep: blade runner, 2001 space odissey, and the first star wars. I have the original trilogy in dvd. I always sleep on the first movie. The other two dvds never were played. I give a vote of confidence on star wars, after all i watched it at the theater the other two parts. But blade runner and 2001 are much more sleep efficient. 

Oh yes, Miami Vice 2007 makes me sleep too. If doesnt makes me sleep, makes me pist.

By the way, is it the third movie on the new SW generation, right? So, why ppl dont talk about it, like they talked about the first three movies 30 years later? 

Edited by Mr. Calderon
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  • 5 months later...
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I know I’m getting old and for my generation, I was 10 in 84 with MV, I love the original 3 - #s 4, 5, & 6, and I even like the next 3 that was supposed to precede the originals as 1, 2 & 3. But the last set being #s 7, 8, & 9 I just have not been able to get into Them. I realize they tried to bring back a lot of the old characters, plots and memorabilia to tie them all together, but it just doesn’t do it for me with those. YMMV.

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