The Line - Part VII

Robbie C.

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The black of night outside the windows matched Martin Castillo’s mood. But he knew Sonny was right. He couldn’t do this alone…at least up to a point. When it reached that point he’d go on his own. Like he always had. But for now he needed the team. But they were also his friends, and he wouldn’t risk their futures in doing what he knew needed to be done. “Thank you for coming. Thanks to the security team from the marshals office and the quick thinking of Sergeant Switek we managed to eliminate Menton’s hit team at the hospital. A deception operation suggested by Lieutenant Crockett is in motion. Menton will be led to believe Sergeant Joplin is in critical condition and not expected to live through the night.”

Gina shuddered and grabbed Stan’s arm. “It could have happened, too.”

“Yes.” Castillo let the single word hang in the air. Using the silence to control his emotions. “Until now Menton has been at least two steps ahead of us. That changes now.”

Randy nodded. He and Dave were at the far end of the table, still wearing their black fatigues and grim faces. “We’re in this with you all the way, captain. Just like I said before.”

Dave nodded. “Ain’t never walked away from a mission in my life and don’t aim to start now.”

“Understand this. If you don’t wish to be involved nothing will be held against you.” He looked around the table, locking eyes with each person. “Our objective is to eliminate Menton. Nothing less. If you have doubts, please walk away now. This is…” His voice almost broke and then he mastered himself. “Personal for me. There is no warrant for Menton. I tried to bring him in once that way and he still managed to do this.”

Sonny spoke up, his voice Burnett cold. “Menton was also tied to Delgado, the heroin kingpin we took down. Odds are he had some ties to Maynard and his bunch, too. He’s a damend dangerous man, and won’t stop until Marty is dead. And he doesn’t care who else dies in the process. I’m in this to the end, but I owe Marty. I won’t think any less of anyone who bows out.”

Gina looked at Castillo. “This is like when they came after your friend’s wife and son, isn’t it?”

“Yes.” He remembered Laura and the boy like it was yesterday. Jack had named the boy Martin. Sometimes, late at night, he wondered how they were doing. But those thoughts came less frequently now that he had Trudy. And Menton had tried to take that away from him, crossing a line in Castillo’s warrior code. He could never let that stand. “When Menton came after Trudy he crossed a line. My line. I cannot let that stand.”

The silence hung in the air for what seemed like hours. Then Castillo nodded. “If you’re all in let’s get started.”

Mindy smiled. “I was waiting for that, captain. Gina and I will get on that address you got from the driver. Chase it back and see what’s hiding behind it. We’ll run down his team members as soon as the IDs come in. There might be clues there.”

Gina nodded. “And I’ll check my files and see if any of our victim interviews line up with that or other locations Menton might have used. These ex-cons like to rough up street girls, so there could be something there.”

Stan grinned. “And I’ve got a couple of ideas to keep Menton’s head scrambled.”

“Good.” Castillo looked at Crockett for a moment. “Mather and Blair will stay on your team for now. In case you need firepower or some overwatch capability.”

Dave looked at Stan and smiled. “Good to go, sarge. Let’s get this cluster-fuck moving.”

“Crockett, you and Switek work out some operations. Plans to keep Menton off balance. We can’t let him gather his thoughts. Tubbs, see what you can dig up with O’Laughlin and our new Switek.” He found a smile inside his anger. “Congratulations again, by the way. It’s good to remember there is happiness even in our dark world. I want reports as soon as you can.”

Back in his office he sank into the familiar chair and stared out at the blackness. It would be dawn in a few hours, and he knew his body needed rest. But Castillo couldn’t shut off his mind. He had no illusions about what would have happened to Trudy if Jenny hadn’t have been there. And that was why he had to finish this.

The team was good. If anyone could run Menton to ground it was them. Castillo knew he’d never worked with a better unit. Even Jess and the rest couldn’t have stood with the people in the office suite beyond his door. And they were loyal. Perhaps, he thought, to a fault. When the time came he’d strike out on his own. It was his career to throw away, but he had no right to destroy theirs at the same time.

Sonny’s the one I’ll have to watch. He knew that instinctively. Ever since the detective had become comfortable with the part of him that was Burnett, Castillo know he’d become a more potent weapon. And Burnett would understand exactly what he intended to do. So would Randy Mather. If he could keep those two occupied it would make his disappearance much easier. Tubbs knew revenge, but their link was different. He’d stay focused on protecting the others.

The couch in the corner was looking more and more appealing as his thoughts wandered back over the past. The ambush that had ripped Jess, Gus, and Ti Ti from his life, and the later one in Thailand that had almost claimed Jack. And the grenades later that same year. Giving up, he moved over and laid down on the couch, settling into its contours like an old lover’s embrace. His mind might not need rest, but he knew his body did. Closing his eyes, he repeated the words learned long ago in his mind, easing his journey into sleep.


Sonny cracked the door and looked back at Rico. “He’s asleep. Finally.”

Rico nodded and yawned. “We should be, too, partner. We’re gonna have to be fresh if we want to take this chump down.”

“You’re right.” He made the rounds of the various offices, spreading the word. “If you need sleep, grab some. Here or at home. Doesn’t matter to me. We’re gonna have to be on our game to get this guy, and we can’t do that if we’re dead on our feet.”

Ever practical, Dave and Randy pulled out military issue sleeping bags they’d squirreled away somewhere in their office and were asleep in seconds. Stan and Gina ducked out soon after, and Sonny nodded as they left. “Great work again, Stan. Gina, it was good to see you. Just wish it was under better circumstances.”

She smiled. “That’ll come once Catilin’s House is up and running. But right now I need to get the sergeant here home and tucked in. He’s dead on his feet.”

Sonny turned to Rico. “Go ahead and take Mindy home, partner. She needs the rest. I’ll grab a couch here or something. That way I can make sure Marty and Randy don’t slip off on their own.”

“Solid. I’m beat, and Menton’s not gonna be run to ground by a bunch of sleep-deprived cops.” He started toward Mindy then stopped. “You really think Marty would take off on his own?”

“In a second. He wants to finish this, and he doesn’t want to endanger any of us. Randy would go because he said he would, and I don’t think even Marty could back him off once his mind was set on something.”

“Yeah. Still waters and all that.” Rico smiled. “See you in a few hours, partner. Come on, Mindy. Let’s go get some sleep. Casa Cooper has great air conditioning.”

“Right now I just want to listen to some Bird and fall asleep.” Mindy took Rico’s arm and winked at Sonny. “Or something. See you in a few hours, boss.”

Left alone, Sonny stared at the map, fixing the location of the office building in his head and drawing a mental circle around it. If Menton’s there, he’d want bolt-holes close by. Places he could get to on foot and then hop transportation. It’s what I’d do…or what Burnett would do. Always have an escape plan. I just need to get inside his. Then he shook his head, fighting back a yawn.

The couch in the office he shared with Rico wasn’t the most comfortable, but it was better than what Castillo had. Sonny never understood the attachment he had with that old couch, but it seemed to work for him. That was what mattered when you had to snatch sleep when you could. He was also glad the man had the foresight to have the suite’s bathroom expanded and fitted with a shower. At least they could clean up and not smell like yesterday’s sweat when they got back to work. Marty didn’t say much, but he covered all the little things.

It felt like he’d only been asleep for minutes when a single ray of sunshine starting trying to pry Sonny’s eyelids open. He tried to ignore it, but nothing worked. Finally he gave up and rolled off the couch. He could smell coffee in the conference room and knew Stan must have come in at some point. The smell of his coffee was unmistakable. There were clothes in the office closet. A quick shower and he’d be ready to go.

Hair still damp, Sonny sipped coffee and stared at the map. It was just past six, and he could hear Stan working in the tech room, his voice mixing with Lester’s as they plotted tap locations. He’d need to talk to them soon enough, but for now he didn’t mind being alone with the map. Gina came out of the intel office with a stack of printouts, and started circling locations. “These are places we’ve traced back to one of Menton’s shell companies,” she said as she worked. “Mindy was right. He doesn’t have many, but they’re set up to allow him to bolt from place to place if he needs to.”

“Good.” Sonny rubbed his chin, feeling the stubble. “We’re gonna herd him like cattle. Drive him from one place to the next until he’s right where we want him. That’s how I got Manolo and El Gato in the end. You give ‘em no place to run except right where you want them.”

“You mean how Burnett got them.”

“Yeah. Sort of. Burnett is part of me, Gina. I can’t change that, and denying it almost broke me. I had to make peace with that side of me, and give it something useful to do. I can’t really explain it, but this is what happens.”

“I understand.” Neither of them had heard Castillo open his office door. He looked rested, but his eyes were still dark and intense. “That side of you will always be useful. The focus it brings. I heard part of it. Tell me the rest.”

“Gina and Mindy have tracked down most of his holdings in Miami. There may be some we can’t find, but I think we got the main ones. My plan is to herd him. Cut off all his options but one. But it’s gotta be something he doesn’t see as a trap.” Sonny stared at the circles, planning it like he was after El Gato. Herding the big man without his being aware. And finally… “Here.” He walked to the map and tapped a small warehouse on the river. “It’s got a dock, so he’s got a boat there. You won’t find it registered in any name we know, I’d bet. But it’ll be there. He won’t think we’d chase him to an escape route.”

Gina nodded. “It makes sense, Sonny. But how do we herd him?”

“We know he’s using this office building.” Sonny pointed at the map. “So we push him out. But first we need to close off some of his bolt holes.”

Rico and Mindy walked in, both looking rested. “See you started without me, partner.”

“Sorry, Rico.” Sonny explained what he’d missed. “That’s where we are right now,” he finished.

“It’s all over the news. The shootout and the story we wanted planted.”

Castillo nodded. “Chef Deputy Washington can be very persuasive.”

Mindy giggled. “He can. He can also scare the hell out of them.”

Stan and Lester came out of the tech room. The bigger man was smiling. “It also helps when a station gets some ‘leaked’ official radio traffic about the ‘horrific shooting’ and the status of the wounded cop.” He looked at Lester and grinned. “Something we cooked up before you got up, Sonny. It’s Channel Two’s exclusive, I think.”

“Yeah.” Lester grinned. “They got this camerawomen who’s something else.”

“Good work, guys. Especially putting it out there without waiting for us. That lets Menton think he’s still calling the shots.” Sonny kept staring at the map, letting the threads connect themselves for him. “We’ve stolen a move on him. Now we need to steal two more.”


Dale Menton looked around the room. It was less crowded now, but his second team was better than the first. Smaller, but veteran. Some of these men had been with him in Thailand. They knew the score. “You all saw the news this morning? Team One went down, but they took the first target with them. Now the second target should be coming into the open.”

The team leader looked skeptical. “How do you know?”

“Because we killed his woman. Or she’s gonna be dead in a few hours. And that will bring him out swinging. It always does. He’s a predictable bastard. Good, but predictable.”

“How did Team One buy it? They were good.”

“Maybe to take on one hospital security goof. But my source tells me there were more cops there. Something about another officer being shot and them responding. It was an accident, but one they weren’t ready for.”

“Looks like the decoy didn’t work as well as you’d hoped.”

“That was their plan. And it drew off most of Metro-Dade, so I’d say it worked.” Menton glared down the table. “Look, what happened was unfortunate, but it’s the cost of the mission. They achieved their goal, and that’s what matters. Do we have eyes on that house of his?”

“Yes. No one’s been near it for three days at least.”

“He’s working out of his office, then. And we don’t have eyes on it?”

“He hasn’t been near that stupid Gold Coast thing they think they’re so clever with.” The team leader grinned, showing his gold front tooth. “We don’t have a good line in anymore, so we can’t get a fix on him.”

“Keep watching. The second you pick him up, don’t lose him. I want this finished.” Menton glared at the picture on the screen dominating the far end of the room. “I won’t miss this time, Castillo. You son of a bitch.”


“He’ll be looking for me.” Castillo wasn’t asking a question.

“Yeah, and he won’t know where you are because he has no eyes on the inside.” Sonny looked around the room. “He showed that when he went after Trudy. He might know your house, but I think we got it wrong before. His men picked you up on the way out of town, not in Miami itself. Otherwise we’d see someone around here.”

Stan nodded. “And that ain’t happening. Lester and I have the exterior nailed down. No one comes in or out we don’t know about, and I have cameras on most of the surrounding buildings, too. If they were watching us, we’d know. And we sweep the room every day for bugs. And three weeks back I put those little buzzers on the windows to break up any of that fancy laser stuff Lester read about.” He looked at Castillo. “If they’re going to watch for you anywhere, captain, it’s OCB. Menton’s been there, and it’s the only place he knows.”

“Stan’s right. OCB is the only link he has between you and anything else. He could have even staked out your house back then, storing the information away for later. Menton’s good at waiting.” Sonny paused, letting Burnett run through the pieces. “But I think he’s tired of waiting. We can use that.”

“How so?”

“He thinks he’s winning. He’ll start getting greedy. They always do. It worked with Manolo and El Gato. Hell, even Cliff at the end of it all. We saw it with Maynard, too. And the people Delgado surrounded himself with. You can use that greed to get them to do whatever you want. Ya just gotta know which strings to pull.”

“Looks like we’re missin’ all the fun.” Randy yawned as he and Dave came out of their office. “But I won’t deny I needed the sleep.”

“I think we all did.” Sonny filled them in, speaking in clipped sentences. “So now we just gotta draw Menton out.”

Dave nodded. “How do you feel about bein’ a staked-out goat, captain?”

“If that’s what it takes.” Castillo smiled at the thin joke.

“All we’d need to do is have you pay a visit to OCB. Let ‘em see you and then lose any tail in the traffic. Menton will go bat shit. I don’t think he’d send a team to your house, especially if he hasn’t seen you there. He’s got to be dying to get a fix on you.” Sonny smiled. “And that’s when we hit him with the combination.” He turned to Stan. “How quickly can you drum up some fake radio traffic, Stan?”

“Faster than that spaghetti mobile of yours can burn through tires and gasoline.” Stan grinned.

“Good. I want something to go out about the wounded officer not making it off the operating table. Maybe send it just below normal police band so the uniforms don’t freak out.”

“I know just the band. We used to use it when I was on patrol to talk smack about the sergeants.” Stan chuckled. “It doesn’t get much use these days. The kids don’t know how to find it. But it’s how something like that would go out.”

“Good. Get it moving. Can you have it ready to go inside of two hours?” Stan nodded. “Good. Then you’ll stand ready with your team. Same as last night. Marty, you’ll be the bait. Rico and I will run a distant tail looking for anyone on your six.”

“What then?”

Sonny smiled, but it was a nasty thing coming from someplace dark inside. “Then Stan’s team rolls and hits his damned office building. I doubt he’ll be there, but it’ll light a fire under his ass. He’ll start questioning his own team. Everything around him. Then we hit again.” He pointed at the small porn shop down near the waterfront. “What is it with CIA and porn shops? Anyhow, Rico, Gina, Mindy and I will take this one. We can’t stretch too far without losing sight of him, but that will cut out two of his options.”

Castillo looked at the map, nodding. “Leaving him three.”

“Right. And tomorrow we shut down the other two. Herding him to the warehouse. Right where we want him.” Sonny looked at the map again. “I want each of you to think this one over. Tell me what I missed and we’ll fix it. We only get one shot at this bozo, and we can’t miss.”

Mindy giggled. “I haven’t raided a porn store since my days on Boston PD. What a blast from the past.”

Gina looked over at Stan and smiled. “Maybe I can find a welcome back present while we’re there.” Stan went bright red and laughed.

Castillo waited until the team headed back to their offices to test the plan. “It’s good you got them to laugh. We need that now.”

Sonny nodded. “Yeah, I could feel that.” He looked at the map one last time to reassure himself. “What do you think of the plan?”

“You’re inside his head. I’m too close for that. And you’re hunting him like Burnett would.” Castillo turned and headed for his office. Sonny followed the unspoken invitation. “I have to know. Can you step back out of Burnett once this is done?”

“Yeah. I can. Like I said, I’ve made peace with the part of me that’s him. Before…I don’t know. I was too busy being a cowboy. Then that explosion and everything before it sent me the other way. I’ve got the center now.”

“Good. You will need to be strong for them.” Castillo waved his hand to take in the rest of the office. “They’ll be looking to you for leadership.”

“To us both, Marty.”

“I have to finish this. One way or the other.” Castillo turned and looked out the window, his face set in a cold stare. “No matter where that road takes me.”

“I get it, Marty. Hackman, remember? I know how you feel, and that you have to finish this. But we’ll do it together.”

“Of course. Just let me know when I need to move.”

Sonny walked out of the office with a sick feeling twisting in his stomach. Ignoring Rico’s questioning glance he headed for the tech room. “Stan? You got a second?”

“Sure, Sonny. What’s up?”

Reaching back, Sonny shut the door. “I need you to rig a tracking device of some kind on Marty’s car. Where he wouldn’t find it. Can you do that?”

“Sure. I could probably get one on him, too, but that would be harder. What’s up?”

“I got a bad feeling about how this might end. If he slips off on us like he did with that Surf asshole I want to know where he is.”

“Gotcha. Consider it done, boss.” He turned to Lester. “Get one of those D-24 transponders ready. Give it a full shakedown. I don’t want a bad unit going on the car.”

Back in the outer office, Rico was still waiting with a confused look on his face. Sonny pointed to the outer office and waited until they were in the empty reception area before he told Rico his worry. “I don’t want him getting away from us again,” he finished. “Something’s eating at him, and I got a bad feeling he’ll go it alone as soon as he knows where Menton is.”

“He’s done it before. And Marty’s a big boy.”

Sonny paused. “It’s what Jenny said. I just can’t shake that. And what Mindy said got me thinking. She’s never been wrong with it since I’ve known her. We have to be there when this ends. You, me, and the two marshals. And we have to track him to do that.”

“Yeah, I get it partner. He’s almost sure to go Lone Ranger on us as soon as Menton’s in the crosshairs.” Rico looked back toward the suite. “You think we can get him?”

“Yeah. I’m chasing him like Burnett would, and he never missed when he went after someone.” Sonny fought back a shiver. “It’s tough to tap into, but I can handle it. And it’s worth it if we get this guy.”

Rico nodded. “We’ll get him, Sonny. I can’t find a damned thing wrong with that plan you cooked up. Dave and Randy can’t, either, and it’s driving them nuts. Timing and personnel are what worries me.”

“Yeah. It’s a risk with what we have, but less of a risk than doing nothing. We’re one step ahead of him now. I want to turn it into five or six.”

Lester hurried by, winking at Sonny as he passed. “Don’t start the rundown without me.”

“You got it.” Sonny smiled. “He’s come a long way from that tech rat we used to know.”

“They all have. And Stan? That dude’s a wonder.”

“I was an asshole for not seeing it before. But he’s worth his weight in Elvis gold for sure. There’s not an ounce of quit in him. Never has been. Put that with Dave and Randy and you’ve got something damned powerful.” He slapped Rico on the shoulder. “Now let’s go turn it loose.”

Sonny waited until Lester came back and had a chance to wash the evidence off his hands before calling everyone to the table. “I think we’ve had enough time to kick holes in my little plan. I know the timing’s tight and we don’t have lots of people. There’s no good way around that. I don’t want to tap Pete for more, and anything else would take too long. Menton will smell something’s off fast. Speed is our ally here.”

Randy looked around the table. “I think I speak for us all, boss. Can’t find a damned hole worth mentioning. You picked out the weaknesses, but we gotta work with those. But you remember the Corps. Speed is always a force multiplier. And Patton’s three rules of war?”

“Audacity, audacity, audacity.” Sonny grinned. “And that’s what this plan is. We can adjust on the fly if I missed anything, and I’m sure I did. Comms will be key, so everyone check in with Stan and Lester for updates and the like before we roll. Once Team Elvis hits the streets they’ll be moving too fast to provide much support.”

Stan grinned. “I like that, Sonny!”

“Figured you would.” Sonny smiled back. “You guys will move in as soon as Rico and I pick up a tail on the captain. I don’t think you’ll catch Menton there, but if you do give us an all-points and we’ll collapse on the location faster than he can spit. I’ll even let Rico drive.” He nodded, remembering their run after Trudy had been shot.

“Solid. Fifty bucks if you make the call even if he ain’t there.”

Sonny waited for the laughter to die down. “Very funny.” He turned to Castillo. “This is your show, captain. I’m just planning the tour.”

Castillo nodded. “Thank you. Thank you all. Be aware that once this starts there’s no going back. Menton has already declared war on me, and he’ll widen his focus to the whole team once he’s aware of you. But Crockett’s plan is a good one. Stick with it and watch each other’s backs. We will finish this.” He stepped back, nodding to Sonny. “I’m ready when you are.”

“Equipment and comms check, people. We roll in ten.” Sonny looked over at Stan. “You can run that fake radio traffic now.”

“He’ll fall for it like Elvis falling for a teenage girl.” Stan chuckled at his own analogy and headed for the tech room. “Roll your masterpiece, Lester,” he thundered. “Let’s get this party started!”


He had to admit it felt good to get out of that damned conference room, even though it was trading one kind of cell for another. Still, the radios were here and not there. Dale Menton needed to know what was happening now, not twenty minutes after it happened.

It was hot the small room. Maybe someday they’d come up with gear that didn’t put off heat, but it was nothing compared to the jungles of Thailand or Laos, so Menton could deal. He looked over at the man wearing headphones, wondering what the hell was going through his head. The expression on his face was…

“Got something!” He fiddled with the dials and grinned. “It’s on that lower frequency Metro-Dade uses when they don’t want people to hear what they’re up to. Morons think no one knows about it. Three or four of ‘em on the line, blabbing on about…” He paused, then smiled even more. “Boss, that cop you were after is dead. They said she just died on the operating table.”

“Is there a way to confirm?”

“Not right away. We’d have to wait for the news cycle to kick in. But this is cop chatter all right. I’ve heard the one voice before.”

“Alert the teams. That should draw Castillo out of his hole to OCB, even if it’s just to sob like a little girl before heading home.” Menton smiled, enjoying the feeling. It was like he had Castillo pinned to a board like a bug and he was waiting to catch the sun just right with his magnifying glass. “I want to know the second they lay eyes on him.”

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Lots of good lines in here. Love your writing.

Focusing on the "Burnett" side of Sonny makes it even more interesting. 

Good build-up. I'm anxious to see how things turn out. 

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10 hours ago, Robbie C. said:

Stan grinned. “And I’ve got a couple of ideas to keep Menton’s head scrambled.”

Love it!

10 hours ago, Robbie C. said:

“Good.” Sonny rubbed his chin, feeling the stubble. “We’re gonna herd him like cattle. Drive him from one place to the next until he’s right where we want him. That’s how I got Manolo and El Gato in the end. You give ‘em no place to run except right where you want them.”

I like that Sonny has come to terms with his alter ego.  Also like that in your writing, he's come out stronger on the other side.

10 hours ago, Robbie C. said:

Sonny paused. “It’s what Jenny said. I just can’t shake that. And what Mindy said got me thinking. She’s never been wrong with it since I’ve known her. We have to be there when this ends. You, me, and the two marshals. And we have to track him to do that.”

You're giving me goose bumps here!  Enjoying the ride and looking forward to more!

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