Florida man


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ok, i'm not trying to start a topic about all Florida man cases, but i'm just wondering what is that thing about. i mean when you browse the memes sites you often have 'Florida man' which generally relates cases of men doing really dumb, not to say weird things. that thing seems to have reached a point that it's how could i say, has entered the vocabulary for saying people doing weird things. what do you think. is there even a point to have about this lol. but i'm a bit annoyed personnally that this great state is associated to dumbness. so this is why i'm wondering about that. There's even a joke that says type your date of birth + Florida man in Google. i did it, and i found actually a dumb case of a guy in Florida doing weird stuff lol

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2 hours ago, jpaul1 said:

ok, i'm not trying to start a topic about all Florida man cases, but i'm just wondering what is that thing about. i mean when you browse the memes sites you often have 'Florida man' which generally relates cases of men doing really dumb, not to say weird things. that thing seems to have reached a point that it's how could i say, has entered the vocabulary for saying people doing weird things. what do you think. is there even a point to have about this lol. but i'm a bit annoyed personnally that this great state is associated to dumbness. so this is why i'm wondering about that. There's even a joke that says type your date of birth + Florida man in Google. i did it, and i found actually a dumb case of a guy in Florida doing weird stuff lol

This has actually been around a while and resurfaced during the pandemic.  There are various ideas about the seemingly high number of these stories. Here are some things I found:

The Miami News claimed that freedom of information laws make it easier for journalists to obtain information about arrests from the police than in other states and that this is responsible for the large number of news articles.

A CNN story on the meme also suggested that the breadth of reports of bizarre activities is due to a confluence of factors, including public records laws giving journalists fast and easy access to police reports, the relatively high and diverse population of the state, its highly variable weather, lower than average literacy rates nationally, and a lack of mental health funding compared to other states.


Edited by pahonu
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It also plays into the common television stereotype that all Southerners are illiterate white rednecks who do stupid things, drive pickups, and have shotguns in their bathrooms. Since the South is often perceived as rural on top of it, they can lump another stereotype in there for good measure. Similar memes abound regarding Wal-Mart customers and so on.

Pahonu makes interesting points from one side of it, but there's also that cultural element to consider. And consider how many CHiPs episodes (for example) featured bad guys driving pickups who had vaguely Southern accents.

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