The Christmas Truce


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There are many great Christmas stories some are complete fairy tales.This one is very real and has a good lesson,despite war men on both sides are just humans.Since Christmas is coming I'll tell you all about the Christmas Truce of 1914.It was 1914,the First World War just began in the summer of that year.Both sides were enthusiastic about the war seeing it as one big adventure and that it would be over by Christmas.This was a totally different war with weapons like machine guns,aircraft,Zeppelins,gas,heavy howitzers,ect.All this technology put open warfare into a standstill and into a stalemate.So both sides dug in trenches as a means to protect themselves from artillery and gun fire with pointless charges out of the trenches into no-mans-land only to be cut down.In short the fighting in the trenches was a nightmare with no end in sight.Despite all this brutality a strange thing happened.On Christmas Eve in Ypres,Belgium,the Germans started decorating their trenches with trees and lights and were singing Christmas carols.The British on the other side of no-mans-land were shocked at what they were seeing and hearing.Soon they responded with singing carols as well and eventualy both sides started to shout greetings to one another.Eventualy both sides got out of the safety of their trenches and began to greet each other face to face.The only time both sides ever went this close is when they were at bayonets reach.Instead of exchanging gunfire they exchanged gifts like chocolate,alcohol,cigarettes,ect.The men saw that the enemies their fraternizing with weren't beasts as they were thought to think instead they were just men like themselves.The guns fell silent that day and both sides helped out burying each others fallen men,drank,ate,sang,and even played soccor matches together.There were moments were both sides even hung out in their enemies trenches!The unofficial truce was happening in random sectors all along the Western Front.Men on both sides saw this as an easy break from the misery of the war and hoped that it was sign that it was going to be over.Soon word got out to the press and photos,sketches,and personal accounts were printed in newspapers with positive reception.The leaders on both sides didn't take the truce too kindly and wanted it to stop as it was a "threat" to the wars progress.Eventualy orders were given in both sides that anyone who tries to start a truce will be punished and if the enemy tries to come out and start one,shoot them.Soon the men on both sides made their seperate ways and went on with the war.Similar,but small scale truces happened but the war wouldn't end until 1918 after millions were lossed.The truce stands as a tale of good will and the absurdity of war.It spawned poems,a movie (Joyeux Noel),and songs.Heres some images of that very truce.[ATTACH=CONFIG]7247[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]7248[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]7249[/ATTACH]The video of Paul McCartney's "Pipes of Peace" takes place during the truce. HgCQ&ved=0CCUQtwIwAQ&usg=AFQjCNGtlf8gE88PSy1--q1j2QfpIDxa0A

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ah I remember that one just shows how childish some of these wars really are.and it shocked me when I remember reading that in a history book, all the more so considering my families history and the fact that I know of atleast one long lost relative who was involved in that war on the german side.that reminds me I need to work on a Christmas banner, have one in mind from one of the S3 scenes where I remember seeing Christmas lights in the background.

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